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Usage limits, billing, and administration

There are usage limits for GitHub Actions workflows. Usage charges apply to repositories that go beyond the amount of free minutes and storage for a repository.

About billing for GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions help you automate your software development workflows in the same place you store code and collaborate on pull requests and issues. You can write individual tasks, called actions, and combine them to create a custom workflow. For more information, see Understanding GitHub Actions and About GitHub Actions for enterprises.

GitHub Actions usage is free for standard GitHub-hosted runners in public repositories, and for self-hosted runners. See Choosing the runner for a job. For private repositories, each GitHub account receives a certain amount of free minutes and storage for use with GitHub-hosted runners, depending on the account's plan. Any usage beyond the included amounts is controlled by spending limits. For more information, see About billing for GitHub Actions.


GitHub Actions is available on all GitHub products, but GitHub Actions is not available for private repositories owned by accounts using legacy per-repository plans. For more information, see GitHub’s plans.

Usage limits

There are some limits on GitHub Actions usage when using GitHub-hosted runners. These limits are subject to change.


For self-hosted runners, different usage limits apply. For more information, see About self-hosted runners.

  • Job execution time - Each job in a workflow can run for up to 6 hours of execution time. If a job reaches this limit, the job is terminated and fails to complete.

  • Workflow run time - Each workflow run is limited to 35 days. If a workflow run reaches this limit, the workflow run is cancelled. This period includes execution duration, and time spent on waiting and approval.

  • API requests - You can execute up to 15,000 requests to the GitHub API in an hour across all actions within a repository. If requests are exceeded, additional API calls will fail which might cause jobs to fail.

  • Webhook rate limit - Each repository is limited to 1500 events triggering a workflow run every 10 seconds. When the limit is reached, the workflow runs that were supposed to be triggered by the webhook events will be blocked and will not be queued.

  • Concurrent jobs - The number of concurrent jobs you can run in your account depends on your GitHub plan, as well as the type of runner used. If exceeded, any additional jobs are queued.

    Standard GitHub-hosted runners

    GitHub planTotal concurrent jobsMaximum concurrent macOS jobs

    GitHub-hosted larger runners

    GitHub planTotal concurrent jobsMaximum concurrent macOS jobsMaximum concurrent GPU jobs


    • If required, customers on enterprise plans can request a higher limit for concurrent jobs. For more information, contact us through the GitHub Support portal, or contact your sales representative.
    • The maximum concurrent macOS jobs is shared across standard GitHub-hosted runner and GitHub-hosted larger runners.
  • Job matrix - A job matrix can generate a maximum of 256 jobs per workflow run. This limit applies to both GitHub-hosted and self-hosted runners.

  • Workflow run queue - No more than 500 workflow runs can be queued in a 10 second interval per repository. If a workflow run reaches this limit, the workflow run is terminated and fails to complete.

Usage policy

In addition to the usage limits, you must ensure that you use GitHub Actions within the GitHub Terms of Service. For more information on GitHub Actions-specific terms, see the GitHub Additional Product Terms.

GitHub Actions usage metrics

Organization owners and users with the "View organization Actions metrics" permission can view GitHub Actions usage metrics for their organization. These metrics can help you understand how and where your Actions minutes are being used. For more information, see Viewing GitHub Actions metrics for your organization.

When you view usage metrics, it is important to remember that GitHub Actions usage metrics do not apply minute multipliers to the metrics displayed. While they can help you understand your bill, their primary purpose is to help you understand how and where Actions minutes are being used in your organization.

For more information about minute multipliers, see About billing for GitHub Actions.

Billing for reusable workflows

If you reuse a workflow, billing is always associated with the caller workflow. Assignment of GitHub-hosted runners is always evaluated using only the caller's context. The caller cannot use GitHub-hosted runners from the called repository.

For more information see, Reusing workflows.

Artifact and log retention policy

You can configure the artifact and log retention period for your repository, organization, or enterprise account.

By default, the artifacts and log files generated by workflows are retained for 90 days before they are automatically deleted. You can adjust the retention period, depending on the type of repository:

  • For public repositories: you can change this retention period to anywhere between 1 day or 90 days.
  • For private and internal repositories: you can change this retention period to anywhere between 1 day or 400 days.

When you customize the retention period, it only applies to new artifacts and log files, and does not retroactively apply to existing objects. For managed repositories and organizations, the maximum retention period cannot exceed the limit set by the managing organization or enterprise.

For more information, see:

Workflow run history retention policy

The workflow runs in a repository's workflow run history are retained for 400 days. After 400 days, workflow runs are archived. 10 days after archival, they are permanently deleted. The retention period for workflow runs cannot be modified. For more information, see Viewing workflow run history.

Disabling or limiting GitHub Actions for your repository or organization

By default, GitHub Actions is enabled on all repositories and organizations. You can choose to disable GitHub Actions or limit it to actions and reusable workflows in your enterprise.

For more information, see:

Disabling and enabling workflows

You can enable and disable individual workflows in your repository on GitHub.

To prevent unnecessary workflow runs, scheduled workflows may be disabled automatically. When a public repository is forked, scheduled workflows are disabled by default. In a public repository, scheduled workflows are automatically disabled when no repository activity has occurred in 60 days.

For more information, see Disabling and enabling a workflow.