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Artikelversion: Enterprise Server 2.18


Inhalt dieses Artikels

About mutations

Every GraphQL schema has a root type for both queries and mutations. The mutation type defines GraphQL operations that change data on the server. It is analogous to performing HTTP verbs such as POST, PATCH, and DELETE.

For more information, see "About mutations."


Adds assignees to an assignable object.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

assignable (Assignable)

The item that was assigned.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Adds a comment to an Issue or Pull Request.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

commentEdge (IssueCommentEdge)

The edge from the subject's comment connection.

subject (Node)

The subject.

timelineEdge (IssueTimelineItemEdge)

The edge from the subject's timeline connection.


Adds labels to a labelable object.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

labelable (Labelable)

The item that was labeled.


Adds a card to a ProjectColumn. Either contentId or note must be provided but not both.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

cardEdge (ProjectCardEdge)

The edge from the ProjectColumn's card connection.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

projectColumn (ProjectColumn)

The ProjectColumn.


Adds a column to a Project.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

columnEdge (ProjectColumnEdge)

The edge from the project's column connection.

project (Project)

The project.


Adds a review to a Pull Request.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequestReview (PullRequestReview)

The newly created pull request review.

reviewEdge (PullRequestReviewEdge)

The edge from the pull request's review connection.


Adds a comment to a review.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

comment (PullRequestReviewComment)

The newly created comment.

commentEdge (PullRequestReviewCommentEdge)

The edge from the review's comment connection.


Adds a reaction to a subject.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

reaction (Reaction)

The reaction object.

subject (Reactable)

The reactable subject.


Adds a star to a Starrable.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

starrable (Starrable)

The starrable.


Update your status on GitHub.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

status (UserStatus)

Your updated status.


Clears all labels from a labelable object.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

labelable (Labelable)

The item that was unlabeled.


Creates a new project by cloning configuration from an existing project.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

jobStatusId (String)

The id of the JobStatus for populating cloned fields.

project (Project)

The new cloned project.


Create a new repository with the same files and directory structure as a template repository.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

repository (Repository)

The new repository.


Close an issue.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

issue (Issue)

The issue that was closed.


Close a pull request.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequest (PullRequest)

The pull request that was closed.


Convert a project note card to one associated with a newly created issue.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

projectCard (ProjectCard)

The updated ProjectCard.


Create a new branch protection rule.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

branchProtectionRule (BranchProtectionRule)

The newly created BranchProtectionRule.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Create a check run.

Preview notice

createCheckRun is available under the Checks preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

checkRun (CheckRun)

The newly created check run.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Create a check suite.

Preview notice

createCheckSuite is available under the Checks preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

checkSuite (CheckSuite)

The newly created check suite.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Create a content attachment.

Preview notice

createContentAttachment is available under the Create content attachments preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

contentAttachment (ContentAttachment)

The newly created content attachment.


Creates a new deployment event.

Preview notice

createDeployment is available under the Deployments preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

autoMerged (Boolean)

True if the default branch has been auto-merged into the deployment ref.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

deployment (Deployment)

The new deployment.


Create a deployment status.

Preview notice

createDeploymentStatus is available under the Deployments preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

deploymentStatus (DeploymentStatus)

The new deployment status.


Creates a new issue.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

issue (Issue)

The new issue.


Creates a new label.

Preview notice

createLabel is available under the Labels preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

label (Label)

The new label.


Creates a new project.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

project (Project)

The new project.


Create a new pull request.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequest (PullRequest)

The new pull request.


Create a new Git Ref.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

ref (Ref)

The newly created ref.


Create a new repository.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

repository (Repository)

The new repository.


Creates a new team discussion.

Preview notice

createTeamDiscussion is available under the Team discussions preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

teamDiscussion (TeamDiscussion)

The new discussion.


Creates a new team discussion comment.

Preview notice

createTeamDiscussionComment is available under the Team discussions preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

teamDiscussionComment (TeamDiscussionComment)

The new comment.


Delete a branch protection rule.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Deletes an Issue object.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

repository (Repository)

The repository the issue belonged to.


Deletes an IssueComment object.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Deletes a label.

Preview notice

deleteLabel is available under the Labels preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Deletes a project.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

owner (ProjectOwner)

The repository or organization the project was removed from.


Deletes a project card.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

column (ProjectColumn)

The column the deleted card was in.

deletedCardId (ID)

The deleted card ID.


Deletes a project column.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

deletedColumnId (ID)

The deleted column ID.

project (Project)

The project the deleted column was in.


Deletes a pull request review.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequestReview (PullRequestReview)

The deleted pull request review.


Deletes a pull request review comment.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequestReview (PullRequestReview)

The pull request review the deleted comment belonged to.


Delete a Git Ref.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Deletes a team discussion.

Preview notice

deleteTeamDiscussion is available under the Team discussions preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Deletes a team discussion comment.

Preview notice

deleteTeamDiscussionComment is available under the Team discussions preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Dismisses an approved or rejected pull request review.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequestReview (PullRequestReview)

The dismissed pull request review.


Creates a new project by importing columns and a list of issues/PRs.

Preview notice

importProject is available under the Import project preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

project (Project)

The new Project!.


Lock a lockable object.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

lockedRecord (Lockable)

The item that was locked.


Marks a pull request ready for review.

Preview notice

markPullRequestReadyForReview is available under the Draft pull requests preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequest (PullRequest)

The pull request that is ready for review.


Merge a head into a branch.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

mergeCommit (Commit)

The resulting merge Commit.


Merge a pull request.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequest (PullRequest)

The pull request that was merged.


Minimizes a comment on an Issue, Commit, Pull Request, or Gist.

Preview notice

minimizeComment is available under the Minimize comments preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

minimizedComment (Minimizable)

The comment that was minimized.


Moves a project card to another place.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

cardEdge (ProjectCardEdge)

The new edge of the moved card.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Moves a project column to another place.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

columnEdge (ProjectColumnEdge)

The new edge of the moved column.


Pin an issue to a repository.

Preview notice

pinIssue is available under the Pinned issues preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

issue (Issue)

The issue that was pinned.


Removes assignees from an assignable object.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

assignable (Assignable)

The item that was unassigned.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Removes labels from a Labelable object.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

labelable (Labelable)

The Labelable the labels were removed from.


Removes outside collaborator from all repositories in an organization.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

removedUser (User)

The user that was removed as an outside collaborator.


Removes a reaction from a subject.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

reaction (Reaction)

The reaction object.

subject (Reactable)

The reactable subject.


Removes a star from a Starrable.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

starrable (Starrable)

The starrable.


Reopen a issue.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

issue (Issue)

The issue that was opened.


Reopen a pull request.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequest (PullRequest)

The pull request that was reopened.


Set review requests on a pull request.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequest (PullRequest)

The pull request that is getting requests.

requestedReviewersEdge (UserEdge)

The edge from the pull request to the requested reviewers.


Rerequests an existing check suite.

Preview notice

rerequestCheckSuite is available under the Checks preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

checkSuite (CheckSuite)

The requested check suite.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Marks a review thread as resolved.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

thread (PullRequestReviewThread)

The thread to resolve.


Submits a pending pull request review.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequestReview (PullRequestReview)

The submitted pull request review.


Unlock a lockable object.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

unlockedRecord (Lockable)

The item that was unlocked.


Unmark an issue as a duplicate of another issue.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

duplicate (IssueOrPullRequest)

The issue or pull request that was marked as a duplicate.


Unminimizes a comment on an Issue, Commit, Pull Request, or Gist.

Preview notice

unminimizeComment is available under the Minimize comments preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

unminimizedComment (Minimizable)

The comment that was unminimized.


Unpin a pinned issue from a repository.

Preview notice

unpinIssue is available under the Pinned issues preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

issue (Issue)

The issue that was unpinned.


Marks a review thread as unresolved.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

thread (PullRequestReviewThread)

The thread to resolve.


Create a new branch protection rule.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

branchProtectionRule (BranchProtectionRule)

The newly created BranchProtectionRule.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Update a check run.

Preview notice

updateCheckRun is available under the Checks preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

checkRun (CheckRun)

The updated check run.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Modifies the settings of an existing check suite.

Preview notice

updateCheckSuitePreferences is available under the Checks preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

repository (Repository)

The updated repository.


Updates an Issue.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

issue (Issue)

The issue.


Updates an IssueComment object.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

issueComment (IssueComment)

The updated comment.


Updates an existing label.

Preview notice

updateLabel is available under the Labels preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

label (Label)

The updated label.


Updates an existing project.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

project (Project)

The updated project.


Updates an existing project card.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

projectCard (ProjectCard)

The updated ProjectCard.


Updates an existing project column.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

projectColumn (ProjectColumn)

The updated project column.


Update a pull request.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequest (PullRequest)

The updated pull request.


Updates the body of a pull request review.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequestReview (PullRequestReview)

The updated pull request review.


Updates a pull request review comment.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequestReviewComment (PullRequestReviewComment)

The updated comment.


Update a Git Ref.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

ref (Ref)

The updated Ref.


Update information about a repository.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

repository (Repository)

The updated repository.


Updates the state for subscribable subjects.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

subscribable (Subscribable)

The input subscribable entity.


Updates a team discussion.

Preview notice

updateTeamDiscussion is available under the Team discussions preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

teamDiscussion (TeamDiscussion)

The updated discussion.


Updates a discussion comment.

Preview notice

updateTeamDiscussionComment is available under the Team discussions preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

teamDiscussionComment (TeamDiscussionComment)

The updated comment.


Replaces the repository's topics with the given topics.

Input fields

Return fields

Name Beschreibung

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

invalidTopicNames ([String!])

Names of the provided topics that are not valid.

repository (Repository)

The updated repository.

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