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Diese Version von GitHub Enterprise wird eingestellt am Diese Version von GitHub Enterprise wurde eingestellt am 2020-01-22. Es wird keine Patch-Freigabe vorgenommen, auch nicht für kritische Sicherheitsprobleme. Für eine bessere Leistung, verbesserte Sicherheit und neue Features nehmen Sie ein Upgrade auf die neueste Version von GitHub Enterprise vor. Wenden Sie sich an den GitHub Enterprise-Support, um Hilfe beim Upgrade zu erhalten.

Managing contributors and teams

You can manage the people and teams included in metrics and reports.

People with admin permissions in GitHub Insights can manage contributors and teams.

GitHub Insights is available with GitHub One. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter „Produkte von GitHub“.

Inhalt dieses Artikels

About contributors and teams in GitHub Insights

A contributor in GitHub Insights is an entity associated with GitHub Enterprise data. You can edit and hide contributors.

Sometimes, the same person can appear as more than one contributor. For example, if one person has used multiple commit email addresses in Git, there will be a unique contributor for each email address in GitHub Insights. You can merge multiple contributors to combine all the data from one person.

You can also group contributors into teams. You can use teams as a filter on reports. For more information, see "Viewing key metrics and reports."

Editing a contributor

You can edit a contributor's display name in GitHub Insights.

  1. In GitHub Insights, click Settings.

    Registerkarte „Settings“ (Einstellungen)

  2. Under Settings, click Contibutors.

    Registerkarte „Contributors“ (Mitarbeiter)

  3. To the right of the contributor you want to manage, click Edit.

    Edit button

  4. Under "First Name", type the contributor's first name.

    First Name field

  5. Under "Last Name", type the contributor's last name.

    Last Name field

  6. Klicken Sie auf Rename (Umbenennen).

Managing contributor visibility

Hiding a contributor excludes all data associated with that contributor from all metrics.

  1. In GitHub Insights, click Settings.

    Registerkarte „Settings“ (Einstellungen)

  2. Under Settings, click Contibutors.

    Registerkarte „Contributors“ (Mitarbeiter)

  3. To the right of the contributor you want to manage, click Edit.

    Edit button

  4. Select or deselect Show contributor.

    Checkbox to show or hide contributor

  5. Klicken Sie auf Done (Fertig).

Merging contributor data

When you merge two or more contributors, the GitHub Insights data for those contributors becomes associated with one primary contributor. All of the merged contributor data belongs to the primary contributor in metrics.

You can merge contributors manually or automatically, based on contributors GitHub Insights has detected with matching names.

Auto-merging contributors

  1. In GitHub Insights, click Settings.

    Registerkarte „Settings“ (Einstellungen)

  2. Under Settings, click Contibutors.

    Registerkarte „Contributors“ (Mitarbeiter)

  3. Under "All Contributors", click Auto-Merge

    Auto-Merge button

  4. Optionally, to exclude a contributor from being merged, to the right of the contributor, click Skip.

    Skip button

  5. For each group, select a primary contributor.

    Radio buttons to select primary contributor

  6. Click Merge All.

Manually merging contributors

  1. In GitHub Insights, click Settings.

    Registerkarte „Settings“ (Einstellungen)

  2. Under Settings, click Contibutors.

    Registerkarte „Contributors“ (Mitarbeiter)

  3. Select the contributors you want to merge.

    Select contributors

  4. Under "All Contributors", click Merge.

    Merge button

  5. Select a primary contributor.

    Radio buttons to select primary contributor

  6. Click Merge accounts.

Unmerging a contributor

  1. In GitHub Insights, click Settings.

    Registerkarte „Settings“ (Einstellungen)

  2. Under Settings, click Contibutors.

    Registerkarte „Contributors“ (Mitarbeiter)

  3. To the right of the contributor, click Unmerge.

    Unmerge button

Managing teams in GitHub Insights

Teams in Ihre GitHub Enterprise Server-Instanz are not available in GitHub Insights. You must create separate teams in GitHub Insights.

Ein Team erstellen

  1. In GitHub Insights, click Settings.

    Registerkarte „Settings“ (Einstellungen)

  2. Under Settings, click Teams.

    Teams tab

  3. To the right of "Teams", click Create Team.

    Create Team button

  4. Under "Team Name", type a unique name for your team.

    Team Name field

  5. Click Create.

Adding contributors to a team

  1. In GitHub Insights, click Settings.

    Registerkarte „Settings“ (Einstellungen)

  2. Under Settings, click Teams.

    Teams tab

  3. Next to the team you'd like to add contributors to, click Edit Team.

    Edit Team button

  4. Under "Contributors", use the drop-down menu and select a contributor.

    Contibutors drop-down

  5. Klicken Sie auf Done (Fertig).

Removing a contributor from a team

  1. In GitHub Insights, click Settings.

    Registerkarte „Settings“ (Einstellungen)

  2. Under Settings, click Teams.

    Teams tab

  3. Next to the team you'd like to add contributors to, click Edit Team.

    Edit Team button

  4. To the right of the contributor you'd like to remove, click .

    Trashcan button

Team umbenennen

  1. In GitHub Insights, click Settings.

    Registerkarte „Settings“ (Einstellungen)

  2. Under Settings, click Teams.

    Teams tab

  3. Next to the team you'd like to add contributors to, click Edit Team.

    Edit Team button

  4. Under "Team Name", type a unique name for your team.

    Team Name field

  5. Klicken Sie auf Rename (Umbenennen).

    Rename button

  6. Klicken Sie auf Done (Fertig).

Ein Team löschen

  1. In GitHub Insights, click Settings.

    Registerkarte „Settings“ (Einstellungen)

  2. Under Settings, click Teams.

    Teams tab

  3. Next to the team you'd like to add contributors to, click Edit Team.

    Edit Team button

  4. Click Delete Team.

    Delete Team button

  5. Click Confirm.

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