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Diese Version von GitHub Enterprise wurde eingestellt am March 02, 2021. Es wird keine Patch-Freigabe vorgenommen, auch nicht für kritische Sicherheitsprobleme. Für eine bessere Leistung, verbesserte Sicherheit und neue Features nimm ein Upgrade auf die neueste Version von GitHub Enterprise vor. Wende Dich an den GitHub Enterprise-Support, um Hilfe beim Upgrade zu erhalten.


You can use the official Octokit library and other third-party libraries to extend and simplify how you use the GitHub API.

Inhalt dieses Artikels

The Gundamcat

Octokit comes in many flavors

Use the official Octokit library, or choose between any of the available third party libraries.

Third-party libraries


Library name | Repository |---|---| Tentacles| Raynes/tentacles


Library name | Repository |---|---| github.dart | DirectMyFile/github.dart

Emacs Lisp

Library name | Repository |---|---| gh.el | sigma/gh.el


Library name | Repository |---|---| octo-erl | sdepold/octo.erl


Library name | Repository |---|---| go-github| google/go-github


Library name | Repository |---|---| haskell-github | fpco/Github


Library name | Repository | More information |---|---|---| GitHub Java API| org.eclipse.egit.github.core | Is part of the GitHub Mylyn Connector and aims to support the entire GitHub v3 API. Builds are available in Maven Central. GitHub API for Java| org.kohsuke.github (From github-api)|defines an object oriented representation of the GitHub API. JCabi GitHub API|github.jcabi.com (Personal Website)|is based on Java7 JSON API (JSR-353), simplifies tests with a runtime GitHub stub, and covers the entire API.


Library name | Repository | |---|---| NodeJS GitHub library| pksunkara/octonode gh3 client-side API v3 wrapper| k33g/gh3 Github.js wrapper around the GitHub API|michael/github Promise-Based CoffeeScript library for the Browser or NodeJS|philschatz/github-client


Library name | Repository | |---|---| GitHub.jl|WestleyArgentum/GitHub.jl


Library name | Repository | |---|---| ocaml-github|mirage/ocaml-github


Library name | Repository | metacpan Website for the Library |---|---|---| Pithub|plu/Pithub|Pithub CPAN Net::GitHub|fayland/perl-net-github|Net:GitHub CPAN


Library name | Repository |---|---| GitHub PHP Client|tan-tan-kanarek/github-php-client PHP GitHub API|KnpLabs/php-github-api GitHub API|yiiext/github-api GitHub Joomla! Package|joomla-framework/github-api GitHub Nette Extension|kdyby/github GitHub API Easy Access|milo/github-api GitHub bridge for Laravel|GrahamCampbell/Laravel-GitHub PHP7 Client & WebHook wrapper|FlexyProject/GitHubAPI


Library name | Repository |---|---| gidgethub|brettcannon/gidgethub ghapi|fastai/ghapi PyGithub|PyGithub/PyGithub libsaas|duckboard/libsaas github3.py|sigmavirus24/github3.py sanction|demianbrecht/sanction agithub|jpaugh/agithub octohub|turnkeylinux/octohub github-flask|github-flask (Official Website) torngithub|jkeylu/torngithub


Library name | Repository |---|---| GitHub API Gem|peter-murach/github Ghee|rauhryan/ghee


Library name | Repository |---|---| Octocrab|XAMPPRocky/octocrab


Library name | Repository |---|---| Hubcat|softprops/hubcat Github4s|47deg/github4s


Library name | Repository |---|---| ok.sh|whiteinge/ok.sh