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Diese Version von GitHub Enterprise wurde eingestellt am March 02, 2021. Es wird keine Patch-Freigabe vorgenommen, auch nicht für kritische Sicherheitsprobleme. Für eine bessere Leistung, verbesserte Sicherheit und neue Features nimm ein Upgrade auf die neueste Version von GitHub Enterprise vor. Wende Dich an den GitHub Enterprise-Support, um Hilfe beim Upgrade zu erhalten.

About the GraphQL API

The GitHub GraphQL API offers flexibility and the ability to define precisely the data you want to fetch.

Inhalt dieses Artikels


Here are some quick links to get you up and running with the GraphQL API v4:

About GraphQL

The GraphQL data query language is:

  • A specification. The spec determines the validity of the schema on the API server. The schema determines the validity of client calls.

  • Strongly typed. The schema defines an API's type system and all object relationships.

  • Introspective. A client can query the schema for details about the schema.

  • Hierarchical. The shape of a GraphQL call mirrors the shape of the JSON data it returns. Nested fields let you query for and receive only the data you specify in a single round trip.

  • An application layer. GraphQL is not a storage model or a database query language. The graph refers to graph structures defined in the schema, where nodes define objects and edges define relationships between objects. The API traverses and returns application data based on the schema definitions, independent of how the data is stored.

Why GitHub is using GraphQL

GitHub chose GraphQL for our API v4 because it offers significantly more flexibility for our integrators. The ability to define precisely the data you want—and only the data you want—is a powerful advantage over the REST API v3 endpoints. GraphQL lets you replace multiple REST requests with a single call to fetch the data you specify.

For more details about why GitHub has moved to GraphQL, see the original announcement blog post.

About the GraphQL schema reference

The docs in the sidebar are generated from the GitHub GraphQL schema. All calls are validated and executed against the schema. Use these docs to find out what data you can call:

You can access this same content via the Explorer Docs sidebar. Note that you may need to rely on both the docs and the schema validation to successfully call the GraphQL API.

For other information, such as authentication and rate limit details, check out the guides.

Requesting support

Für Fragen, Fehlerberichte und Diskussionen über GitHub Apps, OAuth Apps und API-Entwicklung durchsuche das GitHub API Entwicklungs- und Support-Forum. Das Forum wird von GitHub-Mitarbeitern moderiert und gepflegt, aber Fragen, die im Forum gestellt werden, erhalten nicht zwingend eine Antwort von GitHub-Mitarbeitern.

Überlege, Dich direkt an den GitHub Support zu wenden und verwende das Kontaktformular für:

  • garantierte Antwort von GitHub Enterprise Server-Mitarbeitern
  • Support-Anfragen mit sensitiven Daten oder privaten Anliegen
  • Feature-Anfragen
  • Feedback zu GitHub Enterprise Server-Produkten