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Diese Version von GitHub Enterprise wurde eingestellt am March 02, 2021. Es wird keine Patch-Freigabe vorgenommen, auch nicht für kritische Sicherheitsprobleme. Für eine bessere Leistung, verbesserte Sicherheit und neue Features nimm ein Upgrade auf die neueste Version von GitHub Enterprise vor. Wende Dich an den GitHub Enterprise-Support, um Hilfe beim Upgrade zu erhalten.

Roles in an enterprise

Everyone in an enterprise is a member of the enterprise. To control access to your enterprise's settings and data, you can assign different roles to members of your enterprise.

Enterprise accounts are available with GitHub Enterprise Cloud and GitHub Enterprise Server.

Inhalt dieses Artikels

About roles in an enterprise

Everyone in an enterprise is a member of the enterprise. You can also assign administrative roles to members of your enterprise. Each administrator role maps to business functions and provides permissions to do specific tasks within the enterprise.

Currently, there are two administrative roles available in enterprises: enterprise owners, who can access and manage all settings across the enterprise, and billing managers, who can access and manage only the enterprise's billing settings. Enterprise owners can also see all of the members and outside collaborators for every organization owned by the enterprise.

For more information about adding people to your enterprise, see "Authentication".


Enterprise owners have complete control over the enterprise and can take every action, including:

  • Administratoren verwalten
  • organizations the enterprise
  • Enterprise-Einstellungen verwalten
  • Richtlinien organisationsübergreifend durchsetzen

Keinen Zugriff haben Enterprise-Inhaber auf die Einstellungen und Inhalte der einzelnen Organisationen, es sei denn, sie sind auch Inhaber einer Organisation oder ihnen wird direkter Zugriff auf das Repository einer Organisation erteilt. Similarly, owners of organizations in your enterprise do not have access to the enterprise itself unless you make them enterprise owners.

An enterprise owner will only consume a license if they are an owner or member of at least one organization within the enterprise. As a best practice, we recommend making only a few people in your company enterprise owners, to reduce the risk to your business.


Members of organizations owned by your enterprise are also automatically members of the enterprise. Members can collaborate in organizations and may be organization owners, but members cannot access or configure enterprise settings.

People in your enterprise may have different levels of access to the various organizations owned by your enterprise and to repositories within those organizations. Du kannst anzeigen, auf welche Ressourcen die einzelnen Personen Zugriff haben. For more information, see "Viewing people in your enterprise."

Weitere Informationen zu den Berechtigungen auf Organisationsebene findest Du unter „Berechtigungsebenen für eine Organisation.“

People with outside collaborator access to repositories owned by your organization are also listed in your enterprise's People tab, but are not enterprise members and do not have any access to the enterprise. Weitere Informationen zu den Berechtigungen externer Mitarbeiter findest Du unter „Berechtigungsebenen für eine Organisation.“