
此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 将停止服务 此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 已停止服务 2020-08-20. 即使针对重大安全问题,也不会发布补丁。 要获得更好的性能、改进的安全性和新功能,请升级到 GitHub Enterprise 的最新版本。 如需升级方面的帮助,请联系 GitHub Enterprise 支持

文章版本: Enterprise Server 2.18



搜索 API 可帮助您搜索要查找的特定条目。 例如,您可以在仓库中找到用户或特定文件。 就像您在 Google 上执行搜索一样。 它旨在帮助您找到要查找的一个或几个结果。 就像在 Google 上搜索一样,有时您希望查看几页搜索结果,以便找到最能满足您需求的条目。 为了满足这一需求, GitHub Enterprise 搜索 API 为每个搜索提供最多 1,000 个结果

您可以使用查询缩小搜索范围。 要了解有关搜索查询语法的更多信息,请查看“构建搜索查询”。


除非提供另一个排序选项作为查询参数,否则将按照最佳匹配的原则对结果进行降序排列。 多种因素相结合,将最相关的条目顶到结果列表的顶部。


搜索 API 有自定义速率限制。 对于使用基本身份验证OAuth客户端 ID 和密码的请求,您每分钟最多可以提出 30 个请求。 对于未经身份验证的请求,速率限制允许您每分钟最多提出 10 个请求。

Note that the limits mentioned above are the default rate limits for a GitHub Enterprise Server instance. Contact your site administrator to confirm if rate limits are enabled and how they are configured.



搜索 API 中的每个端点都使用查询参数对 GitHub Enterprise 进行搜索。 有关包含端点和查询参数的示例,请参阅搜索 API 中的各个端点。

查询可以包含 GitHub.com 上支持的搜索限定符的任意组合。 搜索查询的格式为:


例如,如果您要搜索 defunkt 拥有的在自述文件中包含单词 GitHubOctocat 的所有仓库,您可以在搜索仓库端点中使用以下查询:


有关可用限定符及其格式的完整列表和使用示例,请参阅“在 GitHub 上搜索”。 有关如何使用运算符匹配特定数量、日期或排除结果,请参阅“了解搜索语法”。


搜索 API 不支持以下查询:

  • 超过 256 个字符(不包括运算符或限定符)。
  • 超过五个 ANDORNOT 运算符。



为了让所有人都能快速使用搜索 API,我们限制任何单个查询能够运行的时长。 对于超出时间限制的查询,API 将返回在超时之前已找到的匹配项,并且响应的 incomplete_results 属性设为 true

达到超时并不意味着搜索结果不完整, 可能已找到更多结果,也可能没有找到。


您需要成功完成身份验证并且对您搜索查询的仓库具有访问权限,否则,您将看到 422 Unprocessible Entry 错误和“验证失败”消息。 例如,如果您的查询中包含 repo:user:org: 限定符,但它们请求的资源是您登录 GitHub 后无权访问的资源,则搜索将失败。


例如,如果您的搜索查询要搜索 octocat/testcodertocat/test 仓库,但您只拥有对 octocat/test 的访问权限,则您的响应将显示对 octocat/test 的搜索结果,而不会显示对 codertocat/test 的搜索结果。 此行为类似于 GitHub 上的搜索方式。

Search code

Searches for query terms inside of a file. This method returns up to 100 results per page.

When searching for code, you can get text match metadata for the file content and file path fields when you pass the text-match media type. For more details about how to receive highlighted search results, see Text match metadata.

For example, if you want to find the definition of the addClass function inside jQuery repository, your query would look something like this:


This query searches for the keyword addClass within a file's contents. The query limits the search to files where the language is JavaScript in the jquery/jquery repository.

Considerations for code search

Due to the complexity of searching code, there are a few restrictions on how searches are performed:

  • Only the default branch is considered. In most cases, this will be the master branch.
  • Only files smaller than 10 MB are searchable.
get /search/code


Name Type In Description
accept string header

Setting to application/vnd.github.v3+json is recommended

q string query

The query contains one or more search keywords and qualifiers. Qualifiers allow you to limit your search to specific areas of GitHub. The REST API supports the same qualifiers as GitHub.com. To learn more about the format of the query, see Constructing a search query. See "Searching code" for a detailed list of qualifiers.

sort string query

Sorts the results of your query. Can only be indexed, which indicates how recently a file has been indexed by the GitHub Enterprise search infrastructure. Default: best match

order string query

Determines whether the first search result returned is the highest number of matches (desc) or lowest number of matches (asc). This parameter is ignored unless you provide sort.

per_page integer query

Results per page (max 100)

page integer query

Page number of the results to fetch.


curl \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
JavaScript (@octokit/core.js)
await octokit.request('GET /search/code', {
  q: 'q'

Default response

Status: 200 OK
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Search commits

Find commits via various criteria on the default branch (usually master). This method returns up to 100 results per page.

When searching for commits, you can get text match metadata for the message field when you provide the text-match media type. For more details about how to receive highlighted search results, see Text match metadata.

For example, if you want to find commits related to CSS in the octocat/Spoon-Knife repository. Your query would look something like this:


get /search/commits


Name Type In Description
accept string header

This API is under preview and subject to change.

q string query

The query contains one or more search keywords and qualifiers. Qualifiers allow you to limit your search to specific areas of GitHub. The REST API supports the same qualifiers as GitHub.com. To learn more about the format of the query, see Constructing a search query. See "Searching commits" for a detailed list of qualifiers.

sort string query

Sorts the results of your query by author-date or committer-date. Default: best match

order string query

Determines whether the first search result returned is the highest number of matches (desc) or lowest number of matches (asc). This parameter is ignored unless you provide sort.

per_page integer query

Results per page (max 100)

page integer query

Page number of the results to fetch.


curl \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.cloak-preview+json" \
JavaScript (@octokit/core.js)
await octokit.request('GET /search/commits', {
  q: 'q',
  mediaType: {
    previews: [

Default response

Status: 200 OK
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          "date": "2014-02-04T14:38:36-08:00",
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          "date": "2014-02-12T15:18:55-08:00",
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          "email": "octocat@nowhere.com"
        "message": "Create styles.css and updated README",
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The Commit Search API is currently available for developers to preview. During the preview period, the APIs may change without advance notice. Please see the blog post for full details.

To access the API you must provide a custom media type in the Accept header:

☝️ 此标头必填.

Search issues and pull requests

Find issues by state and keyword. This method returns up to 100 results per page.

When searching for issues, you can get text match metadata for the issue title, issue body, and issue comment body fields when you pass the text-match media type. For more details about how to receive highlighted search results, see Text match metadata.

For example, if you want to find the oldest unresolved Python bugs on Windows. Your query might look something like this.


This query searches for the keyword windows, within any open issue that is labeled as bug. The search runs across repositories whose primary language is Python. The results are sorted by creation date in ascending order, whick means the oldest issues appear first in the search results.

get /search/issues


Name Type In Description
accept string header

Setting to application/vnd.github.v3+json is recommended

q string query

The query contains one or more search keywords and qualifiers. Qualifiers allow you to limit your search to specific areas of GitHub. The REST API supports the same qualifiers as GitHub.com. To learn more about the format of the query, see Constructing a search query. See "Searching issues and pull requests" for a detailed list of qualifiers.

sort string query

Sorts the results of your query by the number of comments, reactions, reactions-+1, reactions--1, reactions-smile, reactions-thinking_face, reactions-heart, reactions-tada, or interactions. You can also sort results by how recently the items were created or updated, Default: best match

order string query

Determines whether the first search result returned is the highest number of matches (desc) or lowest number of matches (asc). This parameter is ignored unless you provide sort.

per_page integer query

Results per page (max 100)

page integer query

Page number of the results to fetch.


curl \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
JavaScript (@octokit/core.js)
await octokit.request('GET /search/issues', {
  q: 'q'

Default response

Status: 200 OK
  "total_count": 280,
  "incomplete_results": false,
  "items": [
      "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/batterseapower/pinyin-toolkit/issues/132",
      "repository_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/batterseapower/pinyin-toolkit",
      "labels_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/batterseapower/pinyin-toolkit/issues/132/labels{/name}",
      "comments_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/batterseapower/pinyin-toolkit/issues/132/comments",
      "events_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/batterseapower/pinyin-toolkit/issues/132/events",
      "html_url": "https://github.com/batterseapower/pinyin-toolkit/issues/132",
      "id": 35802,
      "node_id": "MDU6SXNzdWUzNTgwMg==",
      "number": 132,
      "title": "Line Number Indexes Beyond 20 Not Displayed",
      "user": {
        "login": "Nick3C",
        "id": 90254,
        "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjkwMjU0",
        "avatar_url": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/934442aadfe3b2f4630510de416c5718?d=https://a248.e.akamai.net/assets.github.com%2Fimages%2Fgravatars%2Fgravatar-user-420.png",
        "gravatar_id": "",
        "url": "https://api.github.com/users/Nick3C",
        "html_url": "https://github.com/Nick3C",
        "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Nick3C/followers",
        "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Nick3C/following{/other_user}",
        "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Nick3C/gists{/gist_id}",
        "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Nick3C/starred{/owner}{/repo}",
        "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Nick3C/subscriptions",
        "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Nick3C/orgs",
        "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Nick3C/repos",
        "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Nick3C/events{/privacy}",
        "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Nick3C/received_events",
        "type": "User"
      "labels": [
          "id": 4,
          "node_id": "MDU6TGFiZWw0",
          "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/batterseapower/pinyin-toolkit/labels/bug",
          "name": "bug",
          "color": "ff0000"
      "state": "open",
      "assignee": null,
      "milestone": null,
      "comments": 15,
      "created_at": "2009-07-12T20:10:41Z",
      "updated_at": "2009-07-19T09:23:43Z",
      "closed_at": null,
      "pull_request": {
        "html_url": null,
        "diff_url": null,
        "patch_url": null
      "body": "...",
      "score": 1


Search labels

Find labels in a repository with names or descriptions that match search keywords. Returns up to 100 results per page.

When searching for labels, you can get text match metadata for the label name and description fields when you pass the text-match media type. For more details about how to receive highlighted search results, see Text match metadata.

For example, if you want to find labels in the linguist repository that match bug, defect, or enhancement. Your query might look like this:


The labels that best match the query appear first in the search results.

get /search/labels


Name Type In Description
accept string header

Setting to application/vnd.github.v3+json is recommended

repository_id integer query

The id of the repository.

q string query

The search keywords. This endpoint does not accept qualifiers in the query. To learn more about the format of the query, see Constructing a search query.

sort string query

Sorts the results of your query by when the label was created or updated. Default: best match

order string query

Determines whether the first search result returned is the highest number of matches (desc) or lowest number of matches (asc). This parameter is ignored unless you provide sort.


curl \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
JavaScript (@octokit/core.js)
await octokit.request('GET /search/labels', {
  repository_id: 42,
  q: 'q'

Default response

Status: 200 OK
  "total_count": 2,
  "incomplete_results": false,
  "items": [
      "id": 418327088,
      "node_id": "MDU6TGFiZWw0MTgzMjcwODg=",
      "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/octocat/linguist/labels/enhancement",
      "name": "enhancement",
      "color": "84b6eb",
      "default": true,
      "description": "New feature or request.",
      "score": 1
      "id": 418327086,
      "node_id": "MDU6TGFiZWw0MTgzMjcwODY=",
      "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/octocat/linguist/labels/bug",
      "name": "bug",
      "color": "ee0701",
      "default": true,
      "description": "Something isn't working.",
      "score": 1


Search repositories

Find repositories via various criteria. This method returns up to 100 results per page.

When searching for repositories, you can get text match metadata for the name and description fields when you pass the text-match media type. For more details about how to receive highlighted search results, see Text match metadata.

For example, if you want to search for popular Tetris repositories written in assembly code, your query might look like this:


This query searches for repositories with the word tetris in the name, the description, or the README. The results are limited to repositories where the primary language is assembly. The results are sorted by stars in descending order, so that the most popular repositories appear first in the search results.

When you include the mercy preview header, you can also search for multiple topics by adding more topic: instances. For example, your query might look like this:


get /search/repositories


Name Type In Description
accept string header

Setting to application/vnd.github.v3+json is recommended

q string query

The query contains one or more search keywords and qualifiers. Qualifiers allow you to limit your search to specific areas of GitHub. The REST API supports the same qualifiers as GitHub.com. To learn more about the format of the query, see Constructing a search query. See "Searching for repositories" for a detailed list of qualifiers.

sort string query

Sorts the results of your query by number of stars, forks, or help-wanted-issues or how recently the items were updated. Default: best match

order string query

Determines whether the first search result returned is the highest number of matches (desc) or lowest number of matches (asc). This parameter is ignored unless you provide sort.

per_page integer query

Results per page (max 100)

page integer query

Page number of the results to fetch.


curl \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
JavaScript (@octokit/core.js)
await octokit.request('GET /search/repositories', {
  q: 'q'

Default response

Status: 200 OK
  "total_count": 40,
  "incomplete_results": false,
  "items": [
      "id": 3081286,
      "node_id": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkzMDgxMjg2",
      "name": "Tetris",
      "full_name": "dtrupenn/Tetris",
      "owner": {
        "login": "dtrupenn",
        "id": 872147,
        "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjg3MjE0Nw==",
        "avatar_url": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e7956084e75f239de85d3a31bc172ace?d=https://a248.e.akamai.net/assets.github.com%2Fimages%2Fgravatars%2Fgravatar-user-420.png",
        "gravatar_id": "",
        "url": "https://api.github.com/users/dtrupenn",
        "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/dtrupenn/received_events",
        "type": "User"
      "private": false,
      "html_url": "https://github.com/dtrupenn/Tetris",
      "description": "A C implementation of Tetris using Pennsim through LC4",
      "fork": false,
      "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/dtrupenn/Tetris",
      "created_at": "2012-01-01T00:31:50Z",
      "updated_at": "2013-01-05T17:58:47Z",
      "pushed_at": "2012-01-01T00:37:02Z",
      "homepage": "",
      "size": 524,
      "stargazers_count": 1,
      "watchers_count": 1,
      "language": "Assembly",
      "forks_count": 0,
      "open_issues_count": 0,
      "master_branch": "master",
      "default_branch": "master",
      "score": 1



The topics property for repositories on GitHub Enterprise Server is currently available for developers to preview. To view the topics property in calls that return repository results, you must provide a custom media type in the Accept header:


Search topics

Find topics via various criteria. Results are sorted by best match. This method returns up to 100 results per page. See "Searching topics" for a detailed list of qualifiers.

When searching for topics, you can get text match metadata for the topic's short_description, description, name, or display_name field when you pass the text-match media type. For more details about how to receive highlighted search results, see Text match metadata.

For example, if you want to search for topics related to Ruby that are featured on https://github.com/topics. Your query might look like this:


This query searches for topics with the keyword ruby and limits the results to find only topics that are featured. The topics that are the best match for the query appear first in the search results.

get /search/topics


Name Type In Description
accept string header

This API is under preview and subject to change.

q string query

The query contains one or more search keywords and qualifiers. Qualifiers allow you to limit your search to specific areas of GitHub. The REST API supports the same qualifiers as GitHub.com. To learn more about the format of the query, see Constructing a search query.


curl \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.mercy-preview+json" \
JavaScript (@octokit/core.js)
await octokit.request('GET /search/topics', {
  q: 'q',
  mediaType: {
    previews: [

Default response

Status: 200 OK
  "total_count": 6,
  "incomplete_results": false,
  "items": [
      "name": "ruby",
      "display_name": "Ruby",
      "short_description": "Ruby is a scripting language designed for simplified object-oriented programming.",
      "description": "Ruby was developed by Yukihiro \"Matz\" Matsumoto in 1995 with the intent of having an easily readable programming language. It is integrated with the Rails framework to create dynamic web-applications. Ruby's syntax is similar to that of Perl and Python.",
      "created_by": "Yukihiro Matsumoto",
      "released": "December 21, 1995",
      "created_at": "2016-11-28T22:03:59Z",
      "updated_at": "2017-10-30T18:16:32Z",
      "featured": true,
      "curated": true,
      "score": 1
      "name": "rails",
      "display_name": "Rails",
      "short_description": "Ruby on Rails (Rails) is a web application framework written in Ruby.",
      "description": "Ruby on Rails (Rails) is a web application framework written in Ruby. It is meant to help simplify the building of complex websites.",
      "created_by": "David Heinemeier Hansson",
      "released": "December 13 2005",
      "created_at": "2016-12-09T17:03:50Z",
      "updated_at": "2017-10-30T16:20:19Z",
      "featured": true,
      "curated": true,
      "score": 1
      "name": "python",
      "display_name": "Python",
      "short_description": "Python is a dynamically typed programming language.",
      "description": "Python is a dynamically typed programming language designed by Guido Van Rossum. Much like the programming language Ruby, Python was designed to be easily read by programmers. Because of its large following and many libraries, Python can be implemented and used to do anything from webpages to scientific research.",
      "created_by": "Guido van Rossum",
      "released": "February 20, 1991",
      "created_at": "2016-12-07T00:07:02Z",
      "updated_at": "2017-10-27T22:45:43Z",
      "featured": true,
      "curated": true,
      "score": 1
      "name": "jekyll",
      "display_name": "Jekyll",
      "short_description": "Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware static site generator.",
      "description": "Jekyll is a blog-aware, site generator written in Ruby. It takes raw text files, runs it through a renderer and produces a publishable static website.",
      "created_by": "Tom Preston-Werner",
      "released": "2008",
      "created_at": "2016-12-16T21:53:08Z",
      "updated_at": "2017-10-27T19:00:24Z",
      "featured": true,
      "curated": true,
      "score": 1
      "name": "sass",
      "display_name": "Sass",
      "short_description": "Sass is a stable extension to classic CSS.",
      "description": "Sass is a stylesheet language with a main implementation in Ruby. It is an extension of CSS that makes improvements to the old stylesheet format, such as being able to declare variables and using a cleaner nesting syntax.",
      "created_by": "Hampton Catlin, Natalie Weizenbaum, Chris Eppstein",
      "released": "November 28, 2006",
      "created_at": "2016-12-16T21:53:45Z",
      "updated_at": "2018-01-16T16:30:40Z",
      "featured": true,
      "curated": true,
      "score": 1
      "name": "homebrew",
      "display_name": "Homebrew",
      "short_description": "Homebrew is a package manager for macOS.",
      "description": "Homebrew is a package manager for Apple's macOS operating system. It simplifies the installation of software and is popular in the Ruby on Rails community.",
      "created_by": "Max Howell",
      "released": "2009",
      "created_at": "2016-12-17T20:30:44Z",
      "updated_at": "2018-02-06T16:14:56Z",
      "featured": true,
      "curated": true,
      "score": 1



The topics property for repositories on GitHub Enterprise Server is currently available for developers to preview. To view the topics property in calls that return repository results, you must provide a custom media type in the Accept header:

☝️ 此标头必填.

Search users

Find users via various criteria. This method returns up to 100 results per page.

When searching for users, you can get text match metadata for the issue login, email, and name fields when you pass the text-match media type. For more details about highlighting search results, see Text match metadata. For more details about how to receive highlighted search results, see Text match metadata.

For example, if you're looking for a list of popular users, you might try this query:


This query searches for users with the name tom. The results are restricted to users with more than 42 repositories and over 1,000 followers.

get /search/users


Name Type In Description
accept string header

Setting to application/vnd.github.v3+json is recommended

q string query

The query contains one or more search keywords and qualifiers. Qualifiers allow you to limit your search to specific areas of GitHub. The REST API supports the same qualifiers as GitHub.com. To learn more about the format of the query, see Constructing a search query. See "Searching users" for a detailed list of qualifiers.

sort string query

Sorts the results of your query by number of followers or repositories, or when the person joined GitHub Enterprise Server. Default: best match

order string query

Determines whether the first search result returned is the highest number of matches (desc) or lowest number of matches (asc). This parameter is ignored unless you provide sort.

per_page integer query

Results per page (max 100)

page integer query

Page number of the results to fetch.


curl \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
JavaScript (@octokit/core.js)
await octokit.request('GET /search/users', {
  q: 'q'

Default response

Status: 200 OK
  "total_count": 12,
  "incomplete_results": false,
  "items": [
      "login": "mojombo",
      "id": 1,
      "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=",
      "avatar_url": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/25c7c18223fb42a4c6ae1c8db6f50f9b?d=https://a248.e.akamai.net/assets.github.com%2Fimages%2Fgravatars%2Fgravatar-user-420.png",
      "gravatar_id": "",
      "url": "https://api.github.com/users/mojombo",
      "html_url": "https://github.com/mojombo",
      "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/mojombo/followers",
      "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/mojombo/subscriptions",
      "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/mojombo/orgs",
      "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/mojombo/repos",
      "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/mojombo/received_events",
      "type": "User",
      "score": 1



在 GitHub 上,您可以使用搜索结果中的代码段和高亮显示提供的上下文。 搜索 API 提供额外的元数据,允许您在显示搜索结果时高亮显示匹配搜索词。



要在搜索结果中获取这种元数据,请在 Accept 标头中指定 text-match 媒体类型。


提供 text-match 媒体类型时,您将在 JSON 有效负载中收到一个额外的键,名为 text_matches,它提供有关搜索词在文本中的位置以及包含该搜索词的 property 的信息。 在 text_matches 数组中,每个对象包含以下属性:

object_url包含匹配某个搜索词的字符串属性的资源 URL。
object_type在给定 object_url 中存在的资源类型的名称。
属性object_url 中存在的资源属性的名称。 属性是与某个搜索词相匹配的字符串。 (在从 object_url 返回的 JSON 中,fragment 的完整内容存在于具有此名称的属性中。)
分段property 值的子集。 这是与一个或多个搜索词匹配的文本片段。
matches存在于 fragment 中的一个或多个搜索词的数组。 索引(即“偏移量”)与片段相关。 (它们与 property完整内容无关。)


使用 cURL 和上面的示例议题搜索时,我们的 API 请求如下所示:

curl -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.text-match+json' \

对于每个搜索结果,响应将包含一个 text_matches 数组。 在下面的 JSON 中,我们在 text_matches 数组中有两个对象。

第一个文本匹配出现在议题的 body 属性中。 我们从议题正文中看到了文本片段。 搜索词 (windows) 在该片段中出现了两次,我们有每次出现时的索引。

第二个文本匹配出现在其中一个议题注释的 body 属性中。 我们有议题注释的 URL。 当然,我们从注释正文中看到了文本片段。 搜索词 (windows) 在该片段中出现了一次。

  "text_matches": [
      "object_url": "https://api.github.com/repositories/215335/issues/132",
      "object_type": "Issue",
      "property": "body",
      "fragment": "comprehensive windows font I know of).\n\nIf we can find a commonly distributed windows font that supports them then no problem (we can use html font tags) but otherwise the '(21)' style is probably better.\n",
      "matches": [
          "text": "windows",
          "indices": [
          "text": "windows",
          "indices": [
      "object_url": "https://api.github.com/repositories/215335/issues/comments/25688",
      "object_type": "IssueComment",
      "property": "body",
      "fragment": " right after that are a bit broken IMHO :). I suppose we could have some hack that maxes out at whatever the font does...\n\nI'll check what the state of play is on Windows.\n",
      "matches": [
          "text": "Windows",
          "indices": [


