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文章版本: Enterprise Server 2.18

Creating a custom badge for your OAuth App

You can replace the default badge on your OAuth App by uploading your own logo image and customizing the background.

You can replace the default badge on your OAuth App by uploading your own logo image and customizing the background.

By default, a new OAuth App will have an automatically generated identicon. 默认肖像徽章如下所示:


After you create an OAuth App, you can customize the app's badge by uploading a logo and selecting a background color. 徽章是圆形徽章内的方形徽标图像。 You can choose a background color for the badge, which can be used to visually distinguish your app.

徽标应为 1 MB 以下的 PNG、JPG 或 GIF 文件。 为获得最佳渲染效果,建议图像大小至少为 200px x 200px。


  1. 在任何页面的右上角,单击您的个人资料照片,然后单击 Settings(设置)
    用户栏中的 Settings 图标
  2. 在左侧边栏中,单击 Developer settings
    Developer settings 部分
  3. In the left sidebar, click OAuth Apps.
    OAuth Apps section
  4. Select the OAuth 应用程序 you want to modify.
    App selection
  5. In "Application logo", drag-and-drop an image from a local folder or click Upload new logo to select an image from your computer.
  6. 裁剪图片。 When you're done, click Set new application logo.
  7. 在“Badge background color(徽章背景颜色)”中,输入徽章背景颜色的十六进制颜色代码

徽章背景颜色 1. Click Update application. Button to update the application


