Creating a GitHub App→
You can create and register a GitHub App under your personal account or under any organization you have administrative access to.
Setting permissions for GitHub Apps→
When you create a GitHub App, you set the permissions that define the resources the app can access via the REST API.
使用 GitHub 应用程序进行身份验证→
You can authenticate as a GitHub 应用程序 or as an installation.
Identifying and authorizing users for GitHub Apps→
Your GitHub App can perform actions on behalf of a user, like creating an issue, creating a deployment, and using other supported endpoints.
Rate limits for GitHub Apps→
Rate limits for GitHub Apps help control the rate of traffic.
Creating a GitHub App from a manifest→
A GitHub App Manifest is a preconfigured GitHub App you can share with anyone who wants to use your app in their personal repositories. The manifest flow allows someone to quickly create, install, and start extending a GitHub App without needing to register the app or connect the registration to the hosted app code.
Creating a GitHub App using URL parameters→
You can preselect the settings of a new GitHub 应用程序 using URL query parameters to quickly set up the new GitHub 应用程序's configuration.
为 GitHub 应用程序创建自定义徽章→
You can replace the default badge on your GitHub App by uploading your own logo image and customizing the background.