文章版本: Enterprise Server 2.15

此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 将停止服务 此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 已停止服务 2019-10-16. 即使针对重大安全问题,也不会发布补丁。 For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.


分支是 GitHub Enterprise 上协作的中心,查看分支的最佳途径是分支页面。

  1. 在 GitHub Enterprise 上,导航到仓库的主页面。

  2. 在文件列表的上方,单击 NUMBER 分支


  3. 使用页面顶部的导航可查看特定的分支列表:

    • Your branches: In repositories that you have push access to, the Yours view shows all branches that you’ve pushed to, with the most recent branches first.
    • Active branches: The Active view shows all branches that anyone has committed to within the last three months, ordered by the branches with the most recent commits first.
    • Stale branches: The Stale view shows all branches that no one has committed to in the last three months, ordered by the branches with the oldest commits first. 使用此列表可确定要删除的分支
    • All branches: The All view shows the default branch, followed by all other branches ordered by the branches with the most recent commits first.

Atom 仓库的分支页面



