文章版本: Enterprise Server 2.15

此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 将停止服务 此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 已停止服务 2019-10-16. 即使针对重大安全问题,也不会发布补丁。 For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.


在高性能配置中,完全冗余的次级 GitHub Enterprise Server 设备通过复制所有主要数据存储与主设备保持同步。

配置高可用性时,会自动设置将所有数据存储(Git 仓库、MySQL、Redis 和 Elasticsearch)单向、异步地从主设备复制到副本。

GitHub Enterprise Server 支持主动/被动配置,在这些配置下,副本作为备用设备运行,并且数据库服务在复制模式下运行,但应用程序服务将停止。







DNS 故障转移

对于 DNS 故障转移,请使用 DNS 记录中指向主 GitHub Enterprise Server 设备的短 TTL 值。 建议的 TTL 值范围为 60 秒到 5 分钟。

在故障转移期间,必须将主设备置于维护模式,并将其 DNS 记录重定向到副本的 IP 地址。 将流量从主设备重新定向到副本所需的时间将取决于 TTL 配置以及更新 DNS 记录所需的时间。

如果您要使用 Geo-replication,则必须配置 Geo DNS,将流量定向到距离最近的副本。 更多信息请参阅“关于 Geo-replication”。


A load balancer design uses a network device to direct Git and HTTP traffic to individual GitHub Enterprise Server appliances. You can use a load balancer to restrict direct traffic to the appliance for security purposes or to redirect traffic if needed without DNS record changes. We strongly recommend using a TCP-based load balancer that supports the PROXY protocol. DNS lookups for the GitHub Enterprise Server hostname should resolve to the load balancer. We recommend that you enable subdomain isolation. If subdomain isolation is enabled, an additional wildcard record (*.HOSTNAME) should also resolve to the load balancer. 更多信息请参阅“启用子域隔离”。

在故障转移期间,您必须将主设备置于维护模式。 您可以将负载均衡器配置为自动检测副本何时已升级为主设备,或者可能需要手动更改配置。 您必须先将副本手动升级为主设备,随后副本才能对用户流量作出响应。 更多信息请参阅“结合使用 GitHub Enterprise Server 和负载均衡器”。

您可以勾选 https://HOSTNAME/status URL 返回的状态代码,以监控 GitHub Enterprise Server 的可用性。 可提供用户流量的设备将返回状态代码 200(正常)。 设备可能出于以下几个原因而返回 503(服务不可用):




要管理 GitHub Enterprise Server 上的复制,请使用 SSH 连接到副本,以使用以下命令行实用程序。


ghe-repl-setup 命令可将 GitHub Enterprise Server 设备置于副本备用模式。

admin@169-254-1-2:~$ ghe-repl-setup
Verifying ssh connectivity with ...
Connection check succeeded.
Configuring database replication against primary ...
Success: Replica mode is configured against
To disable replica mode and undo these changes, run `ghe-repl-teardown'.
Run `ghe-repl-start' to start replicating against the newly configured primary.


ghe-repl-start 命令可以启用所有数据存储的主动复制。

admin@169-254-1-2:~$ ghe-repl-start
Starting OpenVPN tunnel ... 
Starting MySQL replication ...
Starting Redis replication ...
Starting Elasticsearch replication ...
Starting Pages replication ...
Starting Git replication ...
Success: replication is running for all services.
Use `ghe-repl-status' to monitor replication health and progress.


ghe-repl-status 命令可以返回各数据存储复制流的 OKWARNINGCRITICAL 状态。 如果有任何复制通道处于 WARNING 状态,命令将停止执行并显示代码 1。 同样,如果有任何通道处于 CRITICAL 状态,命令将停止执行并显示代码 2

admin@169-254-1-2:~$ ghe-repl-status
OK: mysql replication in sync
OK: redis replication is in sync
OK: elasticsearch cluster is in sync
OK: git data is in sync (10 repos, 2 wikis, 5 gists)
OK: pages data is in sync

-v-vv 选项可以提供关于各数据存储复制状态的详细信息:

$ ghe-repl-status -v
OK: mysql replication in sync
  | IO running: Yes, SQL running: Yes, Delay: 0

OK: redis replication is in sync
  | master_host:
  | master_port:6379
  | master_link_status:up
  | master_last_io_seconds_ago:3
  | master_sync_in_progress:0

OK: elasticsearch cluster is in sync
  | {
  |   "cluster_name" : "github-enterprise",
  |   "status" : "green",
  |   "timed_out" : false,
  |   "number_of_nodes" : 2,
  |   "number_of_data_nodes" : 2,
  |   "active_primary_shards" : 12,
  |   "active_shards" : 24,
  |   "relocating_shards" : 0,
  |   "initializing_shards" : 0,
  |   "unassigned_shards" : 0
  | }

OK: git data is in sync (366 repos, 31 wikis, 851 gists)
  |                   TOTAL         OK      FAULT    PENDING      DELAY
  | repositories        366        366          0          0        0.0
  |        wikis         31         31          0          0        0.0
  |        gists        851        851          0          0        0.0
  |        total       1248       1248          0          0        0.0

OK: pages data is in sync
  | Pages are in sync


ghe-repl-stop 命令可以暂时禁用所有数据存储的复制并停止复制服务。 要恢复复制,请使用 ghe-repl-start 命令。

admin@168-254-1-2:~$ ghe-repl-stop
Stopping Pages replication ...
Stopping Git replication ...
Stopping MySQL replication ...
Stopping Redis replication ...
Stopping Elasticsearch replication ...
Stopping OpenVPN tunnel ...
Success: replication was stopped for all services.


ghe-repl-promote 命令可以禁用复制并将副本转换为主设备。 设备会配置为使用与原主设备相同的设置,并启用所有服务。

Promoting a replica does not automatically set up replication for existing appliances. After promoting a replica, if desired, you can set up replication from the new primary to existing appliances and the previous primary.

admin@168-254-1-2:~$ ghe-repl-promote
Enabling maintenance mode on the primary to prevent writes ...
Stopping replication ...
  | Stopping Pages replication ...
  | Stopping Git replication ...
  | Stopping MySQL replication ...
  | Stopping Redis replication ...
  | Stopping Elasticsearch replication ...
  | Stopping OpenVPN tunnel ...
  | Success: replication was stopped for all services.
Switching out of replica mode ...
  | Success: Replication configuration has been removed.
  | Run `ghe-repl-setup' to re-enable replica mode.
Applying configuration and starting services ...
Success: Replica has been promoted to primary and is now accepting requests.


ghe-repl-teardown 命令可以完全禁用复制模式,并移除副本配置。



