
此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 已停止服务 March 02, 2021. 即使针对重大安全问题,也不会发布补丁。 要获得更好的性能、改进的安全性和新功能,请升级到 GitHub Enterprise 的最新版本。 如需升级方面的帮助,请联系 GitHub Enterprise 支持

About enterprise accounts

With GitHub Enterprise Server, you can use an enterprise account to give administrators a single point of visibility and management for billing and license usage.


About enterprise accounts on GitHub Enterprise Server

An enterprise account allows you to manage multiple organizations and GitHub Enterprise Server instances. Your enterprise account must have a handle, like an organization or personal account on GitHub. Enterprise administrators can manage settings and preferences, like:

  • Member access and management (organization members, outside collaborators)
  • Billing and usage (GitHub Enterprise Server instances, user licenses, Git LFS packs)
  • Security (single sign-on, two factor authentication)
  • Requests and support bundle sharing with GitHub Enterprise 支持

企业帐户目前可用于通过发票付款的 GitHub Enterprise Cloud 和 GitHub Enterprise Server 客户。 与企业帐户关联的所有组织和 GitHub Enterprise Server 实例的帐单将汇总为单个帐单。 For more information about the management of your GitHub Enterprise Cloud subscription, see "Viewing the subscription and usage for your enterprise account." For more information about managing your GitHub Enterprise Server billing settings, see "Managing billing for your enterprise."

For more information about the management of users, organizations, data, and policies for 您的 GitHub Enterprise Server 实例, see "Managing users, organizations, and repositories" and "Setting policies for your enterprise."

For more information about the management of enterprise accounts using the GraphQL API, see "Enterprise accounts."

For more information about the differences between GitHub Enterprise Cloud and GitHub Enterprise Server, see "GitHub's products." To upgrade to GitHub Enterprise or to get started with an enterprise account, contact GitHub' 销售团队.

Managing GitHub Enterprise Server licenses linked to your enterprise account

GitHub Enterprise 管理员可以使用企业帐户查看和管理其 GitHub Enterprise Server 实例上的用户许可。 要开始使用企业帐户,请联系 GitHub' 销售团队,并参阅“管理您的 GitHub Enterprise 许可。”