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Esta versión de GitHub Enterprise se discontinuó el 2022-06-03. No se realizarán lanzamientos de patch, ni siquiera para problemas de seguridad críticos. Para obtener un mejor desempeño, más seguridad y nuevas características, actualiza a la última versión de GitHub Enterprise. Para obtener ayuda con la actualización, contacta al soporte de GitHub Enterprise.

Conectarse a una red privada

You can connect GitHub-hosted runners to resources on a private network, including package registries, secret managers, and other on-premises services.

Nota: Los ejecutores hospedados en GitHub no son compatibles con GitHub Enterprise Server actualmente. Puedes encontrar más información sobre el soporte que se tiene planeado en el futuro en el Itinerario público de GitHub.

About GitHub-hosted runners networking

By default, GitHub-hosted runners have access to the public internet. However, you may also want these runners to access resources on your private network, such as a package registry, a secret manager, or other on-premise services.

GitHub-hosted runners are shared across all GitHub customers, so you will need a way of connecting your private network to just your runners while they are running your workflows. There are a few different approaches you could take to configure this access, each with different advantages and disadvantages.

Using WireGuard to create a network overlay

If you don't want to maintain separate infrastructure for an API Gateway, you can create an overlay network between your runner and a service in your private network, by running WireGuard in both places.

There are various disadvantages to this approach:

  • To reach WireGuard running on your private service, you will need a well-known IP address and port that your workflow can reference: this can either be a public IP address and port, a port mapping on a network gateway, or a service that dynamically updates DNS.
  • WireGuard doesn't handle NAT traversal out of the box, so you'll need to identify a way to provide this service.
  • This connection is one-to-one, so if you need high availability or high throughput you'll need to build that on top of WireGuard.
  • You'll need to generate and securely store keys for both the runner and your private service. WireGuard uses UDP, so your network must support UDP traffic.

There are some advantages too, as you can run WireGuard on an existing server so you don't have to maintain separate infrastructure, and it's well supported on GitHub-hosted runners.

Example: Configuring WireGuard

This example workflow configures WireGuard to connect to a private service.

For this example, the WireGuard instance running in the private network has this configuration:

  • Overlay network IP address of
  • Public IP address and port of
  • Public key examplepubkey1234...

The WireGuard instance in the GitHub Actions runner has this configuration:

  • Overlay network IP address of
  • Private key stores as an GitHub Actions secret under WIREGUARD_PRIVATE_KEY
name: WireGuard example


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - run: sudo apt install wireguard

      - run: echo "$" > privatekey

      - run: sudo ip link add dev wg0 type wireguard

      - run: sudo ip address add dev wg0 peer

      - run: sudo wg set wg0 listen-port 48123 private-key privatekey peer examplepubkey1234... allowed-ips endpoint

      - run: sudo ip link set up dev wg0

      - run: curl -vvv

For more information, see WireGuard's Quick Start, as well as "Encrypted Secrets" for how to securely store keys.

Using Tailscale to create a network overlay

Tailscale is a commercial product built on top of WireGuard. This option is very similar to WireGuard, except Tailscale is more of a complete product experience instead of an open source component.

It's disadvantages are similar to WireGuard: The connection is one-to-one, so you might need to do additional work for high availability or high throughput. You still need to generate and securely store keys. The protocol is still UDP, so your network must support UDP traffic.

However, there are some advantages over WireGuard: NAT traversal is built-in, so you don't need to expose a port to the public internet. It is by far the quickest of these options to get up and running, since Tailscale provides an GitHub Actions workflow with a single step to connect to the overlay network.

For more information, see the Tailscale GitHub Action, as well as "Encrypted Secrets" for how to securely store keys.