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Troubleshooting firewall settings for GitHub Copilot

Troubleshooting help for firewall-related errors.

Who can use this feature?

GitHub Copilot can be managed through personal accounts with GitHub Copilot Individual, through organization or enterprise accounts with GitHub Copilot Business, or through enterprise accounts with GitHub Copilot Enterprise.

GitHub Copilot is free to use for verified students, teachers, and maintainers of popular open source projects. For more information, see "About billing for GitHub Copilot."

If you or your organization employs security measures like a firewall or proxy server, it may be beneficial to include certain domain URLs in an "allowlist" and open specific ports and protocols. Doing so will enhance your installation and usage of Copilot for an optimal experience.

URLs to add to an allowlist

Due to Copilot's interaction with a remote machine learning model and its update-checking functionality, it is recommended to include the following domain URLs in the allowlist, marking them as trusted either in the user interface or within your deployment scripts.

Domain and/or URLPurpose*Authentication Management*User Management service for Copilot suggestions
https://origin-tracker.githubusercontent.comAPI service for Copilot suggestions
https://*.githubcopilot.comAPI service for Copilot suggestions

Additional domains and URLs may require allowlisting, depending on your organization's security policies and the editors in use. For more information about specific editors, see "Further reading."

Further reading