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Converting a user into an organization

You can convert your personal account into an organization. This allows more granular permissions for repositories that belong to the organization.

Warning: Before converting a user into an organization, keep these points in mind.

  • You will no longer be able to sign into the converted personal account.
  • You will no longer be able to create or modify gists owned by the converted personal account.
  • An organization cannot be converted back to a user.
  • The SSH keys, OAuth tokens, job profile, reactions, and associated user information, will not be transferred to the organization. This is only true for the personal account that's being converted, not any of the personal account's collaborators.
  • Any GitHub Apps installed on the converted personal account will be uninstalled.
  • Any commits made with the converted personal account will no longer be linked to that account. The commits themselves will remain intact.
  • Any existing comments made by the converted personal account will no longer be linked to that account. The comments themselves will remain intact, but will be associated with the ghost user.
  • Any forks of private repositories made with the converted personal account will be deleted.

Keep your personal account and create a new organization manually

If you want your organization to have the same name that you are currently using for your personal account, or if you want to keep your personal account's information intact, then you must create a new organization and transfer your repositories to it instead of converting your personal account into an organization.

  1. To retain your current personal account name for your personal use, change the name of your personal account to something new and wonderful.
  2. Create a new organization with the original name of your personal account.
  3. Transfer your repositories to your new organization account.

Convert your personal account into an organization automatically

You can also convert your personal account directly into an organization. Converting your account:

  • Preserves the repositories as they are without the need to transfer them to another account manually
  • Automatically invites collaborators to teams with permissions equivalent to what they had before
  1. Create a new personal account, which you'll use to sign into GitHub and access the organization and your repositories after you convert.

  2. Leave any organizations the personal account you're converting has joined.

  3. 在任何页面的右上角,单击个人资料照片,然后单击“设置”。

    用户� �中的 Settings 图� �

  4. In your user settings sidebar, click Organizations. User settings for organizations

  5. Under "Transform account", click Turn into an organization. Organization conversion button

  6. In the Account Transformation Warning dialog box, review and confirm the conversion. Note that the information in this box is the same as the warning at the top of this article. Conversion warning

  7. On the "Transform your user into an organization" page, under "Choose an organization owner", choose either the secondary personal account you created in the previous section or another user you trust to manage the organization. Add organization owner page

  8. Choose your new organization's subscription and enter your billing information if prompted.

  9. Click Create Organization.

  10. Sign in to the new personal account you created in step one, then use the context switcher to access your new organization.

Tip: When you convert a personal account into an organization, we'll add collaborators on repositories that belong to the account to the new organization as outside collaborators. You can then invite outside collaborators to become members of your new organization if you wish. For more information, see "Roles in an organization."

Further reading