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Reviewing deployments

You can approve or reject jobs awaiting review.

所有产品的公共仓库提供环境、环境保护规则和环境机密。 要访问私人仓库的环境,您必须使用 GitHub Enterprise。

About required reviews in workflows

Jobs that reference an environment configured with required reviewers will wait for an approval before starting. While a job is awaiting approval, it has a status of "Waiting". If a job is not approved within 30 days, the workflow run will be automatically canceled.

For more information about environments and required approvals, see "Using environments for deployment."

Approving or rejecting a job

  1. Navigate to the workflow run that requires review. For more information about navigating to a workflow run, see "Viewing workflow run history."
  2. Click Review deployments. Review deployments
  3. Select the job environment(s) to approve or reject. Optionally, leave a comment. Approve deployments
  4. Approve or reject:
    • To approve the job, click Approve and deploy. Once a job is approved (and any other environment protection rules have passed), the job will proceed. At this point, the job can access any secrets stored in the environment.
    • To reject the job, click Reject. If a job is rejected, the workflow will fail.