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Restricting email notifications for your enterprise

You can prevent your enterprise's information from leaking into personal email accounts by restricting the domains where members can receive email notifications about activity in organizations owned by your enterprise.


Enterprise owners can restrict email notifications for an enterprise.

通过 GitHub Enterprise Cloud 和 GitHub Enterprise Server 可以将电子邮件通知限制到已批准或已验证的域。 有关详细信息,请参阅“GitHub 的计划”。

About email restrictions for your enterprise

When you restrict email notifications, enterprise members can only use an email address in a verified or approved domain to receive email notifications about activity in organizations owned by your enterprise.


The domains can be inherited from the enterprise or configured for the specific organization. For more information, see "Verifying or approving a domain for your enterprise" and "限制组织的电子邮件通知."

If email restrictions are enabled for an enterprise, organization owners cannot disable email restrictions for any organization owned by the enterprise. If changes occur that result in an organization having no verified or approved domains, either inherited from an enterprise that owns the organization or for the specific organization, email restrictions will be disabled for the organization.

Restricting email notifications for your enterprise

Before you can restrict email notifications for your enterprise, you must verify or approve at least one domain for the enterprise.

Users will not be notified when you enable email restrictions. It is your responsibility to inform users that, in the future, they will only receive email notifications related to your enterprise if they've added an email address belonging to a verified or approved domain to their account settings.

  1. 在 GitHub Enterprise Server 的右上角,单击你的个人资料照片,然后单击“企业设置”****。

    单击 GitHub Enterprise Server 上的个人资料照片时显示的下拉菜单的屏幕截图。 “企业设置”选项以深橙色边框突出显示。

  2. 在企业帐户边栏中,单击“设置”。

  3. 在“设置”下,单击“已验证和已批准的域”。

  4. 在“通知首选项”下,选择“将电子邮件通知限制为仅已批准或已验证的域”。

  5. Click Save.