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Verifying or approving a domain for your enterprise

You can verify your ownership of domains with GitHub to confirm the identity of organizations owned by your enterprise account. You can also approve domains where organization members can receive email notifications.


Enterprise owners can verify or approve a domain for an enterprise account.

GitHub Enterprise Cloud 和 GitHub Enterprise Server 可以验证和审批域。 有关详细信息,请参阅“GitHub 的计划”。

About verification of domains

You can confirm that the websites and email addresses listed on the profiles of any organization owned by your enterprise account are controlled by your enterprise by verifying the domains. Verified domains for an enterprise account apply to every organization owned by the enterprise account.

After you verify ownership of your enterprise account's domains, a "Verified" badge will display on the profile of each organization that has the domain listed on its profile. 要显示“Verified(已验证)”徽章,组织资料中显示的网站和电子邮件信息必须匹配经验证的一个或多个域。 如果组织资料中显示的网站和电子邮件地址在不同的域中托管,则必须验证两个域。 如果网站和电子邮件地址使用同一域的变体,则必须验证这两个变体。 例如,如果配置文件显示网站 和电子邮件地址,则需要同时验证

For domains configured at the enterprise level, enterprise owners can verify the identity of organization members by viewing each member's email address within the verified domain. Enterprise owners can also view a list of enterprise members who don't have an email address from a verified domain associated with their user account on GitHub. For more information, see "查看企业中的人员."

After you verify domains for your enterprise account, you can restrict email notifications to verified domains for all the organizations owned by your enterprise account. For more information, see "Restricting email notifications for your enterprise."

Even if you don't restrict email notifications for the enterprise account, if an organization owner has restricted email notifications for the organization, organization members will be able to receive notifications at any domains verified or approved for the enterprise account, in addition to any domains verified or approved for the organization. For more information about restricting notifications for an organization, see "限制组织的电子邮件通知."

Organization owners can also verify additional domains for their organizations. For more information, see "验证或批准您组织的域."

About approval of domains


如果要允许成员在您不拥有的域中接收电子邮件通知,您可以批准该域,然后允许 GitHub 将电子邮件通知发送到该域中的地址。 例如,您可以允许在您自己的域中没有电子邮件地址的承包商在您认为合适的域中接收电子邮件通知。

After you approve domains for your enterprise account, you can restrict email notifications for activity within your enterprise account to users with verified email addresses within verified or approved domains. For more information, see "Restricting email notifications for your enterprise."

Organization owners cannot see the email address or which user account is associated with an email address from an approved domain.

Organization owners can also approve additional domains for their organizations. For more information, see "验证或批准您组织的域."

Verifying a domain for your enterprise account

To verify your enterprise account's domain, you must have access to modify domain records with your domain hosting service.

For successful domain verification, make sure that the TXT record needed for the verification can be checked directly from your domain's main name servers. You can verify this by running the command: dig DOMAIN +nostats +nocomments +nocmd TXT @AUTHORITATIVE-NAMESERVER. This helps avoid problems from CNAME records that might point somewhere else.

  1. 在 GitHub Enterprise Server 的右上角,单击你的个人资料照片,然后单击“企业设置”****。

    单击 GitHub Enterprise Server 上的个人资料照片时显示的下拉菜单的屏幕截图。 “企业设置”选项以深橙色边框突出显示。

  2. 在企业帐户边栏中,单击“设置”。

  3. 在“设置”下,单击“已验证和已批准的域”。

  4. 在“企业帐户的经过验证和批准的域”旁边,单击“添加域”。

  5. 在“要添加什么域?”下,键入要验证的域,然后单击“添加域”。

  6. 按照“添加 DNS TXT 记录”下的说明操作,使用域托管服务创建 DNS TXT 记录。

  7. Wait for your DNS configuration to change, which may take up to 72 hours. You can confirm your DNS configuration has changed by running the dig command on the command line, replacing TXT-RECORD-NAME with the name of the TXT record created in your DNS configuration. You should see your new TXT record listed in the command output.

    dig TXT-RECORD-NAME +nostats +nocomments +nocmd TXT
  8. To make sure that the TXT record can be checked directly from your domain's main name servers, run the following command.

    dig DOMAIN +nostats +nocomments +nocmd TXT @AUTHORITATIVE-NAMESERVER
  9. After confirming your TXT record is added to your DNS, follow steps one through four above to navigate to your enterprise account's approved and verified domains.

  10. 在待验证的域右侧,单击 ,然后单击“继续验证”。

    企业的经过验证和批准的域列表的屏幕截图。 标有三个点的下拉菜单已展开并以橙色边框突出显示,以及“继续验证域”选项。

  11. 单击“验证”。****

  12. Optionally, after the "Verified" badge is visible on your organizations' profiles, delete the TXT entry from the DNS record at your domain hosting service.

Approving a domain for your enterprise account


  1. 在 GitHub Enterprise Server 的右上角,单击你的个人资料照片,然后单击“企业设置”****。

    单击 GitHub Enterprise Server 上的个人资料照片时显示的下拉菜单的屏幕截图。 “企业设置”选项以深橙色边框突出显示。

  2. 在企业帐户边栏中,单击“设置”。

  3. 在“设置”下,单击“已验证和已批准的域”。

  4. 在“企业帐户的经过验证和批准的域”旁边,单击“添加域”。

  5. 在“要添加什么域?”下,键入要验证的域,然后单击“添加域”。

  6. 在“无法验证此域?”右侧,单击“批准它”。

    “验证域”页的屏幕截图。 在“验证”按钮右侧,一个标记为“改为批准”的链接用深橙色框出。

  7. 阅读有关域审批的信息,然后单击“批准 DOMAIN”。

Removing an approved or verified domain

  1. 在 GitHub Enterprise Server 的右上角,单击你的个人资料照片,然后单击“企业设置”****。

    单击 GitHub Enterprise Server 上的个人资料照片时显示的下拉菜单的屏幕截图。 “企业设置”选项以深橙色边框突出显示。

  2. 在企业帐户边栏中,单击“设置”。

  3. 在“设置”下,单击“已验证和已批准的域”。

  4. To the right of the domain to remove, select the dropdown menu, then click Delete.

    Screenshot of the "Verified & approved domains" page. To the right of a domain, a kebab icon is outlined in dark orange.