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Esta versão do GitHub Enterprise foi descontinuada em 2022-10-12. Nenhum lançamento de patch será feito, mesmo para questões críticas de segurança. Para obter melhor desempenho, segurança aprimorada e novos recursos, atualize para a última versão do GitHub Enterprise. Para obter ajuda com a atualização, entre em contato com o suporte do GitHub Enterprise.

Troubleshooting required status checks

You can check for common errors and resolve issues with required status checks.

Branches protegidos estão disponíveis em repositórios públicos com GitHub Free e GitHub Free para organizações e em repositórios públicos e privados com GitHub Pro, GitHub Team, GitHub Enterprise Cloud e GitHub Enterprise Server.

If you have a check and a status with the same name, and you select that name as a required status check, both the check and the status are required. For more information, see "Checks."

After you enable required status checks, your branch may need to be up-to-date with the base branch before merging. This ensures that your branch has been tested with the latest code from the base branch. If your branch is out of date, you'll need to merge the base branch into your branch. For more information, see "About protected branches."

Note: You can also bring your branch up to date with the base branch using Git rebase. For more information, see "About Git rebase."

You won't be able to push local changes to a protected branch until all required status checks pass. Instead, you'll receive an error message similar to the following.

remote: error: GH006: Protected branch update failed for refs/heads/main.
remote: error: Required status check "ci-build" is failing

Note: Pull requests that are up-to-date and pass required status checks can be merged locally and pushed to the protected branch. This can be done without status checks running on the merge commit itself.

Conflicts between head commit and test merge commit

Sometimes, the results of the status checks for the test merge commit and head commit will conflict. If the test merge commit has a status, the test merge commit must pass. Otherwise, the status of the head commit must pass before you can merge the branch. For more information about test merge commits, see "Pulls."

Branch with conflicting merge commits

Handling skipped but required checks

Note: If a workflow is skipped due to path filtering, branch filtering or a commit message, then checks associated with that workflow will remain in a "Pending" state. A pull request that requires those checks to be successful will be blocked from merging.

If a job in a workflow is skipped due to a conditional, it will report its status as "Success". For more information see Skipping workflow runs and Using conditions to control job execution.


The following example shows a workflow that requires a "Successful" completion status for the build job, but the workflow will be skipped if the pull request does not change any files in the scripts directory.

name: ci
      - 'scripts/**'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        node-version: [12.x, 14.x, 16.x]
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
      uses: actions/setup-node@v2
        node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
        cache: 'npm'
    - run: npm ci
    - run: npm run build --if-present
    - run: npm test

Due to path filtering, a pull request that only changes a file in the root of the repository will not trigger this workflow and is blocked from merging. You would see the following status on the pull request:

Required check skipped but shown as pending

You can fix this by creating a generic workflow, with the same name, that will return true in any case similar to the workflow below :

name: ci
      - 'scripts/**'
      - 'middleware/**'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - run: 'echo "No build required" '

Now the checks will always pass whenever someone sends a pull request that doesn't change the files listed under paths in the first workflow.

Check skipped but passes due to generic workflow


  • Make sure that the name key and required job name in both the workflow files are the same. For more information, see "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions".
  • The example above uses GitHub Actions but this workaround is also applicable to other CI/CD providers that integrate with GitHub.