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Você pode usar a biblioteca oficial do Octokit e outras bibliotecas de terceiros para estender e simplificar a forma como você usa a API de GitHub.

Neste artigo

O Gundamcat

Octokit comes in many flavors

Use a biblioteca oficial do Octokit ou escolha entre qualquer uma das bibliotecas de terceiros disponíveis.

Bibliotecas de terceiros


Library name | Repository |---|---| Tentacles| Raynes/tentacles


Library name | Repository |---|---| github.dart | DirectMyFile/github.dart

Emacs Lisp

Library name | Repository |---|---| gh.el | sigma/gh.el


Library name | Repository |---|---| octo-erl | sdepold/octo.erl


Library name | Repository |---|---| go-github| google/go-github


Library name | Repository |---|---| haskell-github | fpco/Github


Library name | Repository | More information |---|---|---| GitHub Java API| org.eclipse.egit.github.core | Is part of the GitHub Mylyn Connector and aims to support the entire GitHub v3 API. As construções estão disponíveis em Maven Central. GitHub API for Java| org.kohsuke.github (From github-api)|defines an object oriented representation of the GitHub API. JCabi GitHub API| (Personal Website)|is based on Java7 JSON API (JSR-353), simplifies tests with a runtime GitHub stub, and covers the entire API.


Library name | Repository | |---|---| NodeJS GitHub library| pksunkara/octonode gh3 client-side API v3 wrapper| k33g/gh3 Github.js wrapper around the GitHub API|michael/github Promise-Based CoffeeScript library for the Browser or NodeJS|philschatz/github-client


Library name | Repository | |---|---| Github.jl|WestleyArgentum/Github.jl


Library name | Repository | |---|---| ocaml-github|mirage/ocaml-github


Library name | Repository | metacpan Website for the Library |---|---|---| Pithub|plu/Pithub|Pithub CPAN Net::Github|fayland/perl-net-github|Net:Github CPAN


Library name | Repository |---|---| GitHub PHP Client|tan-tan-kanarek/github-php-client PHP GitHub API|KnpLabs/php-github-api GitHub API|yiiext/github-api GitHub Joomla! Package|joomla-framework/github-api GitHub Nette Extension|kdyby/github GitHub API Easy Access|milo/github-api GitHub bridge for Laravel|GrahamCampbell/Laravel-Github PHP7 Client & WebHook wrapper|FlexyProject/GithubAPI


Library name | Repository |---|---| PyGithub|PyGithub/PyGithub libsaas|duckboard/libsaas|sigmavirus24/ sanction|demianbrecht/sanction agithub|jpaugh/agithub octohub|turnkeylinux/octohub github-flask|github-flask (Oficial Website) torngithub|jkeylu/torngithub


Library name | Repository |---|---| GitHub API Gem|peter-murach/github Ghee|rauhryan/ghee


Library name | Repository |---|---| Hubcat|softprops/hubcat Github4s|47deg/github4s


Library name | Repository |---|---||whiteinge/