GitHub Enterprise Server is your organization's private copy of GitHub contained within a virtual appliance, hosted on premises or in the cloud, that you configure and control.
GitHub Enterprise Server requires two storage volumes, one mounted to the root filesystem path (/
) and the other to the user filesystem path (/data/user
). このアーキテクチャは、動作するソフトウェアの環境を永続的なアプリケーションデータから分離することによって、アップグレード、ロールバック、リカバリの手続きをシンプルにします。
ルートファイルシステムは、配布されているマシンイメージに含まれています。 ルートファイルシステムにはベースのオペレーティングシステムと GitHub Enterprise Server アプリケーション環境が含まれています。 ルートファイルシステムは、一過性のものとして扱われなければなりません。 ルートファイルシステム上にあるデータは、すべて将来の GitHub Enterprise Server リリースへのアップグレード時に置き換えられます。
- カスタムの認証局 (CA) 証明書 (/usr/local/share/ca-certificates)
- カスタムのネットワーク設定
- カスタムのファイアウォール設定
- レプリケーションの状態
- Git リポジトリ
- データベース
- 検索インデックス
- GitHub Pages サイトで公開されたコンテンツ
- Git Large File Storage からの大きなファイル
- pre-receive フック環境
GitHub Enterprise Server は単一の仮想アプライアンスとしても、High Availability 構成としてもデプロイできます。 詳細は「High Availability 用に GitHub Enterprise Server を設定する」を参照してください。
数万人の開発者がいる組織の場合、GitHub Enterprise Server クラスタリングも有益かもしれません。 For more information, see "Clustering overview."
GitHub Enterprise Server を本番環境で使う前に、バックアップとシステム災害復旧計画をセットアップしておくことを強くおすすめします。 For more information, see "Configuring backups on your appliance."
GitHub Enterprise Server には、GitHub Enterprise Serverバックアップユーティリティ でのオンラインおよびインクリメンタルバックアップのサポートが含まれています。 インクリメンタルスナップショットは、オフサイトや地理的に離れたストレージのために長距離を経てセキュアなネットワークリンク(SSH管理ポート)経由で取ることができます。 You can restore snapshots over the network into a newly provisioned appliance at time of recovery in case of disaster at the primary datacenter.
ネットワークバックアップに加えて、アプライアンスがオフラインになっているかメンテナンスモードになっている間に、ユーザストレージボリュームのAWS(EBS)やVMWareのディスクスナップショットがサポートされています。 サービスレベルの要求が定期的なオフラインメンテナンスを許せるものであれば、定期的なボリュームのスナップショットは、GitHub Enterprise Serverバックアップユーティリティのネットワークバックアップの低コストで複雑さの低い代替になります。
For more information, see "Configuring backups on your appliance."
GitHub Enterprise Server is a virtual appliance that runs on your infrastructure and is governed by your existing information security controls, such as firewalls, IAM, monitoring, and VPNs. Using GitHub Enterprise Server can help you avoid regulatory compliance issues that arise from cloud-based solutions.
GitHub Enterprise Server also includes additional security features.
- Operating system, software, and patches
- Network security
- Application security
- External services and support access
- Encrypted communication
- Users and access permissions
- 認証
- Audit and access logging
Operating system, software, and patches
GitHub Enterprise Server runs a customized Linux operating system with only the necessary applications and services. GitHub manages patching of the appliance's core operating system as part of its standard product release cycle. Patches address functionality, stability, and non-critical security issues for GitHub applications. GitHub also provides critical security patches as needed outside of the regular release cycle.
Network security
GitHub Enterprise Server's internal firewall restricts network access to the appliance's services. Only services necessary for the appliance to function are available over the network. For more information, see "Network ports."
Application security
GitHub's application security team focuses full-time on vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, and code review for GitHub products, including GitHub Enterprise Server. GitHub also contracts with outside security firms to provide point-in-time security assessments of GitHub products.
External services and support access
GitHub Enterprise Server can operate without any egress access from your network to outside services. You can optionally enable integration with external services for email delivery, external monitoring, and log forwarding. For more information, see "Configuring email for notifications," "Setting up external monitoring," and "Log forwarding."
You can manually collect and send troubleshooting data to GitHub Support. For more information, see "Providing data to GitHub Support."
Encrypted communication
GitHub designs GitHub Enterprise Server to run behind your corporate firewall. To secure communication over the wire, we encourage you to enable Transport Layer Security (TLS). GitHub Enterprise Server supports 2048-bit and higher commercial TLS certificates for HTTPS traffic. For more information, see "Configuring TLS."
By default, the appliance also offers Secure Shell (SSH) access for both repository access using Git and administrative purposes. For more information, see "About SSH" and "Accessing the administrative shell (SSH)."
Users and access permissions
GitHub Enterprise Server provides three types of accounts.
- The
Linux user account has controlled access to the underlying operating system, including direct filesystem and database access. A small set of trusted administrators should have access to this account, which they can access over SSH. For more information, see "Accessing the administrative shell (SSH)." - User accounts in the appliance's web application have full access to their own data and any data that other users or organizations explicitly grant.
- Site administrators in the appliance's web application are user accounts that can manage high-level web application and appliance settings, user and organization account settings, and repository data.
For more information about GitHub Enterprise Server's user permissions, see "Access permissions on GitHub."
GitHub Enterprise Server provides four authentication methods.
- SSH public key authentication provides both repository access using Git and administrative shell access. For more information, see "About SSH" and "Accessing the administrative shell (SSH)."
- Username and password authentication with HTTP cookies provides web application access and session management, with optional two-factor authentication (2FA). For more information, see "Using built-in authentication."
- External LDAP, SAML, or CAS authentication using an LDAP service, SAML Identity Provider (IdP), or other compatible service provides access to the web application. For more information, see "Authenticating users for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance."
- OAuth and Personal Access Tokens provide access to Git repository data and APIs for both external clients and services. For more information, see "Creating a personal access token for the command line."
Audit and access logging
GitHub Enterprise Server stores both traditional operating system and application logs. The application also writes detailed auditing and security logs, which GitHub Enterprise Server stores permanently. You can forward both types of logs in realtime to multiple destinations via the syslog-ng
protocol. For more information, see "Log forwarding."
Access and audit logs include information like the following.
Access logs
- Full web server logs for both browser and API access
- Full logs for access to repository data over Git, HTTPS, and SSH protocols
- Administrative access logs over HTTPS and SSH
Audit logs
- User logins, password resets, 2FA requests, email setting changes, and changes to authorized applications and APIs
- Site administrator actions, such as unlocking user accounts and repositories
- Repository push events, access grants, transfers, and renames
- Organization membership changes, including team creation and destruction
GitHub Enterprise Server のオープンソース依存性
使用しているアプライアンスのバージョンの GitHub Enterprise Server における依存対象の完全なリストは、それぞれのプロジェクトのライセンスと合わせて http(s)://HOSTNAME/site/credits
依存関係と関連するメタデータの完全なリストと合わせて、Tarball 群はアプライアンス上にあります。
- すべてのプラットフォームに共通の依存関係は
/usr/local/share/enterprise/dependencies-<GHE version>-base.tar.gz
にあります。 - プラットフォームに固有の依存関係は
/usr/local/share/enterprise/dependencies-<GHE version>-<platform>.tar.gz