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Managing pre-receive hooks on the GitHub Enterprise Server appliance

Configure how people will use pre-receive hooks within their GitHub Enterprise Server appliance.

Creating pre-receive hooks

  1. GitHub Enterprise Serverの右上で、プロフィール写真をクリックし、続いてEnterprise settings(Enterpriseの設定)をクリックしてく� さい。 GitHub Enterprise Serverのプロフィール写真のドロップダウンメニュー内の"Enterprise settings"

  2. Enterpriseアカウントのサイドバーで、 Settings(設定)をクリックしてく� さい。 Enterpriseアカウントサイドバー内の設定タブ

  3. Under " Settings", click Hooks. Hooks tab in the enterprise account settings sidebar

  4. Click Add pre-receive hook. Add pre-receive hook

  5. In the Hook name field, enter the name of the hook that you want to create. Name pre-receive hook

  6. From the Environment drop-down menu, select the environment on which you want the hook to run. Hook environment

  7. Under Script, from the Select hook repository drop-down menu, select the repository that contains your pre-receive hook script. From the Select file drop-down menu, select the filename of the pre-receive hook script. Hook script

  8. Select Use the exit-status to accept or reject pushes to enforce your script. Unselecting this option allows you to test the script while the exit-status value is ignored. In this mode, the output of the script will be visible to the user in the command-line but not on the web interface. Use exit-status

  9. Select Enable this pre-receive hook on all repositories by default if you want the pre-receive hook to run on all repositories. Enable hook all repositories

  10. Select Administrators can enable and disable this hook to allow organization members with admin or owner permissions to select whether they wish to enable or disable this pre-receive hook. Admins enable or disable hook

Editing pre-receive hooks

  1. GitHub Enterprise Serverの右上で、プロフィール写真をクリックし、続いてEnterprise settings(Enterpriseの設定)をクリックしてく� さい。 GitHub Enterprise Serverのプロフィール写真のドロップダウンメニュー内の"Enterprise settings"

  2. Enterpriseアカウントのサイドバーで、 Settings(設定)をクリックしてく� さい。 Enterpriseアカウントサイドバー内の設定タブ

  3. Under " Settings", click Hooks. Hooks tab in the enterprise account settings sidebar

  4. Next to the pre-receive hook that you want to edit, click . Edit pre-receive

Deleting pre-receive hooks

  1. GitHub Enterprise Serverの右上で、プロフィール写真をクリックし、続いてEnterprise settings(Enterpriseの設定)をクリックしてく� さい。 GitHub Enterprise Serverのプロフィール写真のドロップダウンメニュー内の"Enterprise settings"

  2. Enterpriseアカウントのサイドバーで、 Settings(設定)をクリックしてく� さい。 Enterpriseアカウントサイドバー内の設定タブ

  3. Under " Settings", click Hooks. Hooks tab in the enterprise account settings sidebar

  4. Next to the pre-receive hook that you want to delete, click . Edit pre-receive

Configure pre-receive hooks for an organization

An organization administrator can only configure hook permissions for an organization if the site administrator selected the Administrators can enable or disable this hook option when they created the pre-receive hook. To configure pre-receive hooks for a repository, you must be an organization administrator or owner.

  1. In the top right corner of GitHub Enterprise Server, click your profile photo, then click Your organizations. プロフィールメニューのあなたのOrganization
  2. Organizationの隣のSettings(設定)をクリックしてく� さい。 設定ボタン
  3. In the left sidebar, click Hooks. Hooks sidebar
  4. Next to the pre-receive hook that you want to configure, click the Hook permissions drop-down menu. Select whether to enable or disable the pre-receive hook, or allow it to be configured by the repository administrators. Hook permissions

Configure pre-receive hooks for a repository

A repository owner can only configure a hook if the site administrator selected the Administrators can enable or disable this hook option when they created the pre-receive hook. In an organization, the organization owner must also have selected the Configurable hook permission. To configure pre-receive hooks for a repository, you must be a repository owner.

  1. GitHub Enterprise Serverの右上で、プロフィール画像をクリックし、続いてYour profile(あなたのプロフィール)をクリックしてく� さい。 プロフィール画像
  2. Click Repositories and select which repository you want to configure pre-receive hooks for. Repositories
  3. リポジトリ名の下で Settings(設定)をクリックしてく� さい。 リポジトリの設定ボタン
  4. In the left sidebar, click Hooks & Services. Hooks and services
  5. Next to the pre-receive hook that you want to configure, click the Hook permissions drop-down menu. Select whether to enable or disable the pre-receive hook. Repository hook permissions