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Esta versión de GitHub Enterprise se discontinuó el 2022-10-12. No se realizarán lanzamientos de patch, ni siquiera para problemas de seguridad críticos. Para obtener rendimiento mejorado, seguridad mejorada y nuevas características, actualice a la versión más reciente de GitHub Enterprise. Para obtener ayuda con la actualización, póngase en contacto con el soporte técnico de GitHub Enterprise.

About SSH

Using the SSH protocol, you can connect and authenticate to remote servers and services. With SSH keys, you can connect to GitHub Enterprise Server without supplying your username and personal access token at each visit.

Puedes acceder a datos y escribirlos en repositorios en your GitHub Enterprise Server instance mediante SSH (Protocolo Secure Shell). Al conectarse a través de SSH, se realiza la autenticación mediante un archivo de clave privada en el equipo local. For more information about SSH, see Secure Shell on Wikipedia.

When you set up SSH, you will need to generate a new private SSH key and add it to the SSH agent. You must also add the public SSH key to your account on GitHub Enterprise Server before you use the key to authenticate. For more information, see "Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent" and "Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account."

You can further secure your SSH key by using a hardware security key, which requires the physical hardware security key to be attached to your computer when the key pair is used to authenticate with SSH. You can also secure your SSH key by adding your key to the ssh-agent and using a passphrase. For more information, see "Working with SSH key passphrases."

To maintain account security, you can regularly review your SSH keys list and revoke any keys that are invalid or have been compromised. For more information, see "Reviewing your SSH keys."

If you're a member of an organization that provides SSH certificates, you can use your certificate to access that organization's repositories without adding the certificate to your account on GitHub Enterprise Server. You cannot use your certificate to access forks of the organization's repositories, if the forks is owned by your personal account. For more information, see "About SSH certificate authorities."

Further reading