After generating a migration archive, you can import the data to your target GitHub Enterprise instance. You'll be able to review changes for potential conflicts before permanently applying the changes to your target instance.

Preparing the migrated data for import to GitHub Enterprise

Before applying the migrated data to your target instance, you'll need to copy the migration archive to your target instance and prepare it for import.

Generating a list of migration conflicts

If ghe-migrator reports conflicts when preparing the data for import, you must generate a list of those conflicts before preparing to resolve them with custom mappings.

Reviewing migration conflicts

After generating a list of migration conflicts, you should review them to ensure that you agree with the default actions ghe-migrator will take when resolving them.

Resolving migration conflicts or setting up custom mappings

Before importing migration data, you can make corrections to resolve conflicts, rename incoming records, or map incoming records to existing records.

Applying the imported data on GitHub Enterprise

After you complete your review of the migration data, you can permanently apply the changes to your target instance.

Reviewing migration data

After every step of a migration you can review the state of the migration data. You'll be able to ensure records are being mapped or renamed properly, get the new urls for records after the import step, as well as list out any records that failed to migrate.

Completing the import on GitHub Enterprise

After your migration is applied to your target instance and you have reviewed the migration, you'll unlock the repositories and delete them off the source. Before deleting your source data we recommend waiting around two weeks to ensure that everything is functioning as expected.