You can search for users by using search qualifiers in any combination to narrow your search results.


  • This article contains example searches on the website, but you can use the same search filters on your GitHub Enterprise instance.
  • For a list of search syntaxes that you can add to any search qualifier to further improve your results, see "Understanding the search syntax".
  • Use quotations around multi-word search terms. For example, if you want to search for issues with the label "In progress," you'd search for label:"in progress". Search is not case sensitive.

Search for users or organizations

By default, searching users will return both personal and organizations. However, you can use the type qualifier to restrict search results to personal accounts or organizations only.

Qualifier Example
type:user mike in:name created:<2011-01-01 type:user matches personal accounts named "mike" that were created before 2011.
type:org data in:email type:org matches organizations with the word "data" in their email.

Scope the search fields

The in qualifier limits what fields are searched. With this qualifier you can restrict the search to the username, public email, full name, or any combination of these. Without the qualifier, only the username and email address are searched. For privacy reasons, you cannot search by email domain name.

Qualifier Example
in:login kenya in:login matches users with the word "kenya" in their username.
in:fullname bolton in:fullname matches users whose real name contains the word "bolton."
in:email data in:email matches users with the word "data" in their email.

Search based on the number of repositories a user has

You can filter users based on the number of repositories they have, using the repos qualifier and greater than, less than, and range qualifiers.

Qualifier Example
repos:n repos:>9000 matches users whose repository count is over 9,000.
bert repos:10..30 matches users with the word "bert" in their username or real name who own 10 to 30 repositories.

Search based on the location where a user resides

You can choose to filter users by the location indicated in their profile.

Qualifier Example
location:LOCATION repos:1 location:iceland matches users with exactly one repository that live in Iceland.

Search based on the languages of a user's repositories

You can search for users that own repositories that match a certain language via the language qualifiers.

Qualifier Example
language:LANGUAGE language:javascript location:russia matches users in Russia with a majority of their repositories written in JavaScript.
jenny language:javascript in:fullname matches users with JavaScript repositories whose full name contains the word "jenny."

Search based on when a user joined GitHub Enterprise

You can filter users based on when they joined with the created qualifier. This takes a date as its parameter. Date formatting must follow the ISO8601 standard, which is YYYY-MM-DD (year-month-day). You can also add optional time information THH:MM:SS+00:00 after the date, to search by the hour, minute, and second. That's T, followed by HH:MM:SS (hour-minutes-seconds), and a UTC offset (+00:00).

Dates support greater than, less than, and range qualifiers.

Qualifier Example
created:YYYY-MM-DD created:<2011-01-01 matches users that joined before 2011.
created:>=2013-05-11 matches users that joined at or after May 11th, 2013.
created:2013-03-06 location:london matches users that joined on March 6th, 2013, who list their location as London.
created:2010-01-01..2011-01-01 john in:login matches users that joined between 2010 and 2011 with the word "john" in their username.

Search based on the number of followers a user has

You can filter users based on the number of followers that they have, using the followers qualifier with greater than, less than, and range qualifiers.

Qualifier Example
followers:n followers:>=1000 matches users with 1,000 or more followers.
sparkle followers:1..10 matches users with between 1 and 10 followers, with the word "sparkle" in their name.

Further reading