You can manage your work on GitHub Enterprise by creating issues to track ideas, enhancements, tasks, or bugs.

About issues

Use issues to track ideas, enhancements, tasks, or bugs for work on GitHub Enterprise.

Creating an issue

Issues can be used to keep track of bugs, enhancements, or other requests.

About task lists

You can use task lists to create a list of items with checkboxes within pull request and issue comments or Markdown files in your repository.

File attachments on issues and pull requests

When you open issue or update a pull request, you can use issue attachments to upload images of proposed features or screenshots of bugs.

Assigning issues and pull requests to other GitHub users

Assignees clarify who is working on specific issues and pull requests.

Creating and editing labels for issues and pull requests

Labels can be applied to issues and pull requests to signify priority, category, or any other information that you find useful.

Applying labels to issues and pull requests

Assign labels to issues and pull requests to help organize your projects. You can do this in repositories to which you have write access.

Viewing all of your issues and pull requests

The Issues and Pull Request dashboards list the open issues and pull requests you've created. You can use them to update items that have gone stale, close them, or keep track of where you've been mentioned across all repositories—including those you're not subscribed to.

Disabling issues

You may wish to turn issues off for your repository if you do not accept contributions or bug reports.