Team maintainers can edit the name and description of a team, as well as determine whether a team is visible or secret.

Teams can be visible or secret:

  • Visible teams can be viewed and @mentioned by every organization member, even if they aren't organization owners or members of those teams. If you make every team in your organization visible, your members will be able to use team @mentions across your organization.
  • Secret teams are only visible to the people on the team and people with owner permissions. They're great for hiding teams with sensitive names or team members, such as those used for working with external partners or clients.

  1. Profile photoIn the top right corner of GitHub Enterprise, click your profile photo, then click Your profile.

  2. organization iconsOn the left side of your profile page, under "Organizations", click the icon for your organization.

  3. Teams tabUnder your organization name, click Teams.

  4. Team page with list of teamsOn the Teams tab, click the name of the team.

  5. Team settings buttonIn the team description box, click Settings.