Before applying the migrated data to your target instance, you'll need to copy the migration archive to your target instance and prepare it for import.

  1. Using the scp command, copy the migration archive generated from your source instance or organization to your GitHub Enterprise target:

    scp -P 122 /path/to/archive/MIGRATION_GUID.tar.gz admin@hostname:/home/admin/
  2. As a site admin, SSH into your target GitHub Enterprise instance:

    ssh -p 122 admin@hostname
  3. Use the ghe-migrator prepare command to prepare the archive for import on the target instance and generate a new Migration GUID for you to use in subsequent steps:

    ghe-migrator prepare /home/admin/MIGRATION_GUID.tar.gz
    • To start a new import attempt, run ghe-migrator prepare again and get a new Migration GUID.