After your migration is applied to your target instance and you have reviewed the migration, you'll unlock the repositories and delete them off the source. Before deleting your source data we recommend waiting around two weeks to ensure that everything is functioning as expected.

Unlocking repositories on the target instance

  1. As a site admin, SSH into your GitHub Enterprise instance:

    ssh -p 122 admin@hostname
  2. Unlock all the imported repositories with the ghe-migrator unlock command. You'll need:

    • Your Migration GUID
    • Your access token for authentication.
      ghe-migrator unlock -g MIGRATION_GUID -u username -p TOKEN
      Unlocked octo-org/octo-project

Unlocking repositories on the source

Unlocking repositories from a organization

To unlock the repositories on a organization, you'll send a DELETE request to the migration unlock endpoint. You'll need:

  • Your access token for authentication
  • The unique id of the migration
  • The name of the repository to unlock
    curl -H "Authorization: token GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN" -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.wyandotte-preview+json" \

Deleting repositories from a organization

After unlocking the organization's repositories, you should delete every repository you previously migrated using the repository delete endpoint. You'll need your access token for authentication:

curl -H "Authorization: token GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN" -X DELETE \

Unlocking repositories from a GitHub Enterprise instance

  1. As a site admin, sign in to your GitHub Enterprise instance at http(s)://[hostname]/login.

  2. Rocketship icon for accessing site admin settingsIn the upper-right corner of any page, click .

  3. Site admin settings search fieldIn the search field, type the name of the repository and click Search.

  4. Site admin settings search optionsIn the search results, click the name of the repository.

  5. Unlock repository buttonClick Unlock.

  6. Repeat this procedure for any other repositories you exported.