You can set a primary email address on GitHub Enterprise that's associated with web-based Git operations you perform such as edits and merges.

After changing your commit email address on GitHub Enterprise, the new email address will be visible in all of your future web-based Git operations by default. Any commits you made prior to changing your commit email address are still associated with your previous email address.

For more information on commit email addresses, see "About commit email addresses."

  1. Settings icon in the user bar
    In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings.
  2. Emails tab
    In the left sidebar, click Emails.

  3. Email addition button
    In "Add email address", type your email address and click Add.

  4. Selection for primary email address
    In the "Primary email address" list, select the email address you'd like to associate with your web-based Git operations.

Further reading