Team maintainers and organization owners can nest a team under a parent team, or change or remove a nested team's parent.
Organization owners can change the parent of any team. Team maintainers can change a team's parent if they are maintainers in both the child team and the parent team. Team maintainers without maintainer permissions in the child team can request to add a child team. For more information, see "Requesting to add a child team."
Child teams inherit the access permissions of the parent team. For more information on team hierarchies, see "About teams."
- You cannot change a team's parent to a secret team. For more information, see "About teams."
- You cannot nest a parent team beneath one of its child teams.
- In the top right corner of GitHub Enterprise, click your profile photo, then click Your profile.
- On the left side of your profile page, under "Organizations", click the icon for your organization.
- Under your organization name, click Teams.
- In the list of teams, click the name of the team whose parent you'd like to change.
- Under the team name, click Settings.
- Use the drop-down menu to choose a parent team, or to remove an existing parent, select Clear selected value.
- Click Update.
Read about the changed repository access permissions.
- Click Confirm new parent team.