On GitHub Enterprise, you can create, edit, move, and delete files in a repository.
Creating new files
You can create new files directly on GitHub Enterprise in any repository you have write access to.
Adding a file to a repository
You can upload and commit an existing file to a GitHub Enterprise repository. Drag and drop a file to any directory in the file tree, or upload files from the repository's main page.
Initializing an empty repository with a README
You can set up an empty repository by adding a README file.
Renaming a file
You can rename any file in your repositories directly in GitHub Enterprise. Renaming a file also gives you the opportunity to move the file to a new location.
Moving a file to a new location
When editing a file, you can choose to move it anywhere within your repository, even if the directory doesn't exist.
Editing files in your repository
You can edit files directly on GitHub Enterprise in any of your repositories using the file editor.
Editing files in another user's repository
When you edit a file in another user's repository, we'll automatically fork the repository and open a pull request for you.
Tracking changes in a file
You can trace changes to lines in a file and discover how parts of the file evolved over time.
Deleting files
You can delete any file within your repositories on GitHub Enterprise.
Getting permanent links to files
When viewing a file on your GitHub Enterprise instance, you can press the "y" key to update the URL to a permalink to the exact version of the file you see.