Notifications help you keep track of the conversations and updates you're interested in. You can receive notifications on GitHub Enterprise or through your email client for conversations you're participating in or updates you're watching.

About notifications

Notifications provide updates about the activities and conversations you're interested in. You can receive notifications on GitHub Enterprise or through your email client.

About web notifications

If you're receiving web notifications, you can view your participating and watching notifications on the notifications page on GitHub Enterprise.

About email notifications

When you enable email notifications, you will receive participating and watching notifications in your email client, and you can filter them using the email header information.

Accessing your notifications

Depending on how your notification delivery is set up, you can access your notifications on GitHub Enterprise or through your email client.

Choosing the delivery method for your notifications

You can receive your notifications on your GitHub Enterprise instance or have them delivered through your email client.

About your organization's news feed

You can use your organization's news feed to keep up with recent activity on repositories owned by that organization.