If you disable two-factor authentication for your personal account, you may lose access to organizations you belong to.

We strongly recommend using two-factor authentication to secure your account. If you need to disable 2FA, we recommend re-enabling it as soon as possible.

Warning: If you're a member or outside collaborator to a public repository of an organization that requires two-factor authentication and you disable 2FA, you'll be automatically removed from the organization, and you'll lose your access to their repositories. To regain access to the organization, re-enable two-factor authentication and contact an organization owner.

If your organization requires two-factor authentication and you're a member, owner, or an outside collaborator on a private repository of your organization, you must first leave your organization before you can disable two-factor authentication.

To remove yourself from your organization:

  1. Settings icon in the user bar
    In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings.
  2. Security settings sidebar
    In the user settings sidebar, click Security.

  3. Edit 2FA methods
    Under two-factor authentication, click Edit.

  4. Disable two-factor authentication button
    Click Disable two-factor authentication.

Further reading