Issues can be used to keep track of bugs, enhancements, or other requests.
Any GitHub Enterprise user can create an issue in a public repository where issues have not been disabled.
You can open a new issue based on code from an existing pull request. For more information, see "Opening an issue from code."
If you're using a project board to track and prioritize your work, you can convert project board notes to issues. For more information, see "Adding notes to a project board."
Tips: Project maintainers can choose to:
- Create an issue template for a repository. Templates include prompts for information in the body of an issue. For more information, see "About issue and pull request templates."
- Disable issues for a repository. For more information, see "Disabling issues." Pull requests can't be turned off and are always available.
On GitHub Enterprise, navigate to the main page of the repository.
- Under your repository name, click Issues.
- Click New issue.
- Type a title and description for your issue.
If you're a project maintainer, you can assign the issue to someone, add it to a project board, associate it with a milestone, or apply a label.
When you're finished, click Submit new issue.