After you create your repository on GitHub Enterprise, you can customize its settings and content.

About repositories

A repository is like a folder for your project. Your project's repository contains all of your project's files and stores each file's revision history.

Creating a new repository

You can create a new repository on your personal account or any organization where you have sufficient permissions.


You can add a README file to your repository to tell other people why your project is useful, what they can do with your project, and how they can use it.


You can use a CODEOWNERS file to define individuals or teams that are responsible for code in a repository.

About repository languages

The files and directories within a repository determine the languages that make up the repository. You can view a repository's languages to get a quick overview of the repository.

Creating an issues-only repository

GitHub Enterprise does not provide issues-only access permissions, but you can accomplish this using a second repository which contains only the issues.

Limits for viewing content and diffs in a repository

Certain types of resources can be quite large, requiring excessive processing on GitHub Enterprise. Because of this, limits are set to ensure requests complete in a reasonable amount of time.

Duplicating a repository

To duplicate a repository without forking it, you can run a special clone command, then mirror-push to the new repository.