For greater collaboration, you can allow commits on branches you've created from forks. Permission to commit to your forked branches is limited to those with push access to the upstream repository of the fork.

Only pull request creators can give upstream repository maintainers, or those with push access to the upstream repository, permission to make commits to their pull request's compare branch. To learn more about upstream repositories, see "About forks."

Pull request creators can give these permissions on each of their pull requests when they initially create a pull request from a fork or after they have created the pull request.

You can set commit permissions when you first create a pull request from a fork. For more information, see "Creating a pull request from a fork." Additionally, you can modify an existing pull request to let repository maintainers make commits to your branch.

Enabling repository maintainer permissions on existing pull requests

  1. On GitHub Enterprise, navigate to the main page of the upstream repository of your pull request.
  2. Issues and pull requests tab selection
    Under the upstream repository name, click Pull requests.
  3. In the list of pull requests, navigate to the pull request that you'd like to allow commits on.
  4. allow-maintainers-to-make-edits-sidebar-checkbox
    In the the right sidebar of your pull request, select Allow edits from maintainers. You can change these permissions at any time by unselecting this option.

Further reading