You can create links in wikis using the standard markup or MediaWiki syntax.

Using regular markup syntax to make links

You can use the normal markup syntax supported by your page to create links. For example:

  • If your pages are rendered with Markdown, the link syntax is [Link Text](URL_to_wiki).
  • If your pages are rendered with AsciiDoc, the link syntax is link:URL_to_wiki[Link Text].

Here, URL_to_wiki is the full URL to your wiki page. This creates a link to your wiki page, using the link text as the hyperlink.

Using a wiki markup syntax to make links

You can also create links with the wiki format of [[Link Text|WikiLink]]. In this case, WikiLink is the name of your wiki page, not the full URL. Please note that support for WikiLinks in Asciidoc has been removed.

This link style has the advantage of being colored red if the link is broken.

Wiki link styles

Further reading