We provide a variety of utilities to help resolve particular problems or perform specific tasks. Below, you'll find a description of each utility that's available for you to use.

These commands can be executed from anywhere on the VM after signing in as an SSH admin user. You can find more information about enabling SSH access here.



Import and Export


User Management


A top-like interface for current Git operations.


ghe-btop [  | --help | --usage ]


This utility checks the disk for large files or files that have been deleted but still have open file handles. This should be run when you're trying to free up space on the root partition.



This utility cleans up a variety of caches that might potentially take up extra disk space on the root volume. If you find your root volume disk space usage increasing notably over time it would be a good idea to run this utility to see if it helps reduce overall usage.



This utility fixes repositories in various bad states (e.g., won't delete through the web UI). Running it without any arguments will not make any changes and will only check to see if you have any affected repositories. Running it again with the -f flag will cause it to take action.



This utility wipes all existing Management Console settings.

Tip: Typically, you will only execute this if you've contacted support and they've asked you to do so.



This utility applies Management Console settings, reloads system services, prepares a storage device, reloads application services, and runs any pending database migrations. It is equivalent to clicking Save settings in the Management Console's web UI or to sending a POST request to the /setup/api/configure endpoint.

You will probably never need to run this manually, but it's available if you want to automate the process of saving your settings via SSH.



This utility opens a MySQL database session on your GitHub Enterprise appliance. Do not use it to modify your database unless you are asked to do so by our Enterprise support team.



This utility performs a variety of checks and gathers information about your installation that you can send to support to help diagnose problems you're having. Currently, it does roughly the same thing browsing to


but may have additional improvements added to it over time that aren't available in the web UI.



We highly recommend that you use the GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities instead of running this script directly.

This utility exports all MySQL, Redis, and repository data into a single tarball (.tgz) and then streams its contents. Keep in mind that this utility caches all of its data locally on the VM before streaming it, whereas individual export utilities do not. As such, we typically recommended using the individual export utilities rather than this one.

ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-export' > ghe-backup.tgz


We highly recommend that you use the GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities instead of running this script directly.

This utility exports all installed SSH authorized keys for the admin SSH user in plain-text format.

ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-export-authorized-keys' > ghe-backup-authorized-keys.json


We highly recommend that you use the GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities instead of running this script directly.

This utility exports all ElasticSearch indexes, which includes indexed repositories, code, and users. Most importantly, this includes audit log data which is not reproducible. The data is streamed as a tar file.

ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-export-es-indices' > ghe-backup-es-indices.tar


This utility exports data written to RRD databases by collectd as a gzip'd tarball of XML files. It is not meant to be included in your regular backups, but lets you export the data for further analysis without the need to download a support bundle. If you open a support ticket, Enterprise support may ask for this data to help in troubleshooting the issue.

ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-export-graphs' && scp admin@hostname:~/graphs.tgz .


We highly recommend that you use the GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities instead of running this script directly.

This utility exports all MySQL data, which includes users, commit comments, pull requests, issues, etc. The data is streamed as plain text.

ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-export-mysql' | gzip > ghe-backup-mysql.sql.gz


We highly recommend that you use the GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities instead of running this script directly.

This utility exports all generated Pages for repositories and users on the installation. The data is streamed as a tar file.

ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-export-pages' > ghe-backup-pages.tar


We highly recommend that you use the GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities instead of running this script directly.

This utility exports all Redis data, which includes a variety of cached data counts and other settings required by the application. The data is streamed as a standard redis dump file (.rdb).

ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-export-redis' > ghe-backup-redis.rdb


We highly recommend that you use the GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities instead of running this script directly.

This utility exports all repository data, which includes all git repository data. The data is streamed as a tar file (.tar).

ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-export-repositories' > ghe-backup-repositories.tar


We highly recommend that you use the GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities instead of running this script directly.

This utility exports the SSH host keys for an installation. These keys will prevent SSH fingerprint mismatch warnings when moving to a new appliance. The data is streamed as a tar file.

ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-export-ssh-host-keys' > ghe-backup-ssh-host-keys.tar


This utility fixes repositories exhibiting zero-padded mode corruption. Running it against a repository will rewrite the entire git history, requiring everyone with a local copy to reclone the affected repositories.

Tip: Typically, you will only execute this if you've contacted support and they've asked you to do so.



This utility runs a manual git garbage collection (git gc) on a repository. This helps reduce the size of a large repositories. It compresses file revisions and removes unreachable objects. GitHub Enterprise automatically runs a git gc once per day for every repository when it's pushed to. As such, any repositories that grow significantly after the initial automatic git gc but are not pushed to subsequently may benefit from a manual git gc. If you have a large repository, running this command may help reduce its overall size. Typically, this is not necessary though.

ghe-git-gc github-username/github-reponame


We highly recommend that you use the GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities instead of running this script directly.

This utility imports a backup taken with ghe-export. Please note that this will overwrite any existing data and should typically only be used to restore to a fresh Enterprise installation.

ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-import' < ghe-backup.tgz


We highly recommend that you use the GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities instead of running this script directly.

This utility imports a backup taken with ghe-export-authorized-keys. Please note that if a key already exists, an error will be raised but all other keys will import as expected. Typically, this should only be used to restore to a fresh Enterprise installation.

ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-import-authorized-keys' < ghe-backup-authorized-keys.json


We highly recommend that you use the GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities instead of running this script directly.

This utility imports a backup taken with ghe-export-es-indices. If any existing indexes exist, they'll be moved to a backup directory under /home/admin. Typically, this should only be used to restore to a fresh Enterprise installation.

ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-import-es-indices' < ghe-backup-es-indices.tar


We highly recommend that you use the GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities instead of running this script directly.

This utility imports a backup taken with ghe-export-mysql. Please note that all existing MySQL data will be dropped when importing a backup. Typically, this should only be used to restore to a fresh Enterprise installation.

gzip -dc ghe-backup-mysql.sql.gz | ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-import-mysql'


We highly recommend that you use the GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities instead of running this script directly.

This utility imports a backup taken with ghe-export-pages. Please note that any existing Pages data on the new appliance will be overwritten. Typically, this should only be used to restore to a fresh Enterprise installation.

ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-import-pages' < ghe-backup-pages.tar


We highly recommend that you use the GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities instead of running this script directly.

This utility imports a backup taken with ghe-export-redis. Please note that all existing Redis data will be dropped when importing a backup. Typically, this should only be used to restore to a fresh Enterprise installation.

ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-import-redis' < ghe-backup-redis.rdb


We highly recommend that you use the GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities instead of running this script directly.

This utility imports a backup taken with ghe-export-repositories. Please note that any existing repository data will be overwritten. Typically, this should only be used to restore to a fresh Enterprise installation.

ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-import-repositories' < ghe-backup-repositories.tar


We highly recommend that you use the GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities instead of running this script directly.

This utility imports a backup taken with ghe-export-ssh-host-keys. Typically, this should only be used to restore to a fresh Enterprise installation.

ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-import-ssh-host-keys' < ghe-backup-ssh-host-keys.tar


This utility lets you tail log all relevant log files from your installation. You can pass options in to limit the logs to specific sets. Use the -h flag for additional options.



This utility allows you to control the state of the installation's maintenance mode. It's designed to be used primarily by the Management Console behind-the-scenes, but it can be used directly.

ghe-maintenance -h


This utility gives organization admin privileges to all users in your installation who already have site admin privileges. To give these privileges to specific site admins, use the -u flag.

Note that this utility only works on site admin accounts; you can promote an ordinary user account to a site admin with ghe-user-promote.



This utility displays information on background jobs, both active and in the queue. It provides the same job count numbers as the admin stats bar at the top of every page.

This utility can help identify whether the Resque server is having problems processing background jobs. Any of the following scenarios might be indicative of a problem with Resque:

  • The number of background jobs is increasing, while the active jobs remain the same.
  • The event feeds are not updating.
  • Service hooks are not being triggered.
  • The web interface is not updating after a Git push.

If you suspect Resque is failing, contact GitHub Enterprise support for help.



This utility lists all of the services that have been started or stopped (are running or waiting) on your appliance.

  - github-resqued, process 12711
  - github-unicorn, process 12726
  - github-gitauth, process 12743
  - git-daemon, process 12755
  - babeld, process 12771
  - github-svn-proxy, process 12802
  - gist-unicorn, process 12832
  - gist-resqued, process 12881
  - render-unicorn, process 12939
  - hookshot-unicorn, process 13076
  - nodeload2, process 13192
  - slumlord-unicorn, process 13304
  - ghe-storage, process 2012
  - enterprise-manage-unicorn, process 2024
  - enterprise-manage-resque, process 2053
  - gitmon

The service names returned from this command can be used with 'Upstart' commands to stop, start, or restart these services manually, if needed. For example:

sudo restart github-resqued

Stopping services will cause downtime on your installation, so we recommend you contact GitHub Enterprise support before stopping or restarting any service.


With ghe-set-password, you can set a new password to authenticate into the Management Console.



This utility allows you to install a custom root CA certificate on your GitHub Enterprise server. The certificate must be in PEM format. Furthermore, if your certificate provider includes multiple CA certificates in a single file, you must separate them into individual files that you then pass to ghe-ssl-ca-certificate-install one at a time.

Run this utility when your Enterprise instance is unable to connect to another server because the latter is using a self-signed SSL certificate or an SSL certificate for which it doesn't provide the necessary CA bundle. One way to confirm this is to run openssl s_client -connect host:port -verify 0 -CApath /etc/ssl/certs from your Enterprise instance. If the remote server's SSL certificate can be verified, your SSL-Session should have a return code of 0, as shown below.

    Protocol  : TLSv1
    Cipher    : AES128-SHA
    Session-ID: C794EBCC3CBC10F747C9AFC029C03C1048FC99CFC34D13D7444E0F267C58DF4C
    Master-Key: 02A7C47CFD6EEC87D3C710E9DD87390E04EF82DDD7514AE03127D5DC1945FC0CAEFB5395791AEA598667EFA61B9EA8C5
    Key-Arg   : None
    Start Time: 1394581597
    Timeout   : 300 (sec)
    Verify return code: 0 (ok)

If, on the other hand, the remote server's SSL certificate can not be verified, your SSL-Session should have a nonzero return code:

    Protocol  : TLSv1
    Cipher    : AES128-SHA
    Session-ID: 82CB288051A6DB66094C50A69CF1292AEE7E54C6B01B659B98AB336F8C33863E
    Master-Key: 01B025B2F764043A27919A8D1355AAECD8844FF0831B1D664042334790574A6F4025BAB085D4ED71D71AAB3091B849E5
    Key-Arg   : None
    Start Time: 1394581782
    Timeout   : 300 (sec)
    Verify return code: 27 (certificate not trusted)

You can use these additional options with the utility:

  • The -r flag allows you to uninstall a CA certificate.
  • The -h flag displays more usage information.
ghe-ssl-ca-certificate-install -c /path/to/certificate


Some platforms require this script to expand the user volume. For more information, see "Increasing Storage Capacity".



This utility creates a support bundle tarball containing important logs from your instance.

By default, the command creates the tarball in /tmp, but you can also have it cat the tarball to STDOUT for easy streaming over SSH. This is helpful in the case where the web UI is unresponsive or downloading a support bundle from /setup/support doesn't work. You must use this command if you want to generate an extended bundle, containing older logs. You can also use this command to upload the support bundle directly to GitHub Enterprise support.

Standard bundle
ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-support-bundle -o' > support-bundle.tgz
Extended bundle
ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-support-bundle -x -o' > support-bundle.tgz
Sending a bundle to support
ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-support-bundle -u'
Sending a bundle to support and associating it with a ticket
ssh -p 122 admin@hostname -- 'ghe-support-bundle -t ticket-id'


This utility dumps out a list of all the users in the installation into CSV format. The CSV file includes the email address, which type of user they are (e.g., admin, user), how many repositories they have, how many SSH keys, how many organization memberships, last logged IP address, etc. Use the -h flag for more options.

ghe-user-csv -o > users.csv


This utility promotes the specified user account to a site administrator.

ghe-user-promote some-user-name


This utility demotes the specified user from admin status to that of a regular user. We recommend using the web UI to perform this action, but provide this utility in case the ghe-user-promote utility is run in error and you need to demote a user again from the CLI.

ghe-user-demote some-user-name


This utility suspends the specified user, preventing them from logging in, pushing, or pulling from your repositories.

ghe-user-suspend some-user-name


This utility unsuspends the specified user, granting them access to login, push, and pull from your repositories.

ghe-user-unsuspend some-user-name