From Contributions, Repository, and Activity Feeds on your profile page to RSS feeds that allow you to follow a user's public activity in your favorite RSS reader, we provide several ways to keep track of All Things GitHub™.

Profile page

Your profile page has your Contributions, Repositories, and Public Activity feeds as seen in this screenshot:

Sample profile page

The Contributions Tab

Your Contributions feed information includes:

  • Contributions tab
  • Contributions graph
  • Contributions activity

For more information, you can read our help article about Contributions.

The Repositories tab

The repositories feed provides searching and filtering tools for your repositories, and shows a participation graph in the background for each repository.

Repositories tab page

The Public Activity tab

The Public Activity feed uses a similar layout to the repositories feed, but since not all entries are equally important (e.g. pushing a commit is more important than following another user), we render "minor" events as smaller single lines.

Public activity tab

Click the RSS icon to subscribe to any user's public activity feed in your favorite RSS reader.

RSS icon

News feeds

News feeds show activity related to people and repositories. There are two types of news feeds:

  • Your personal news feed, which shows activity on repositories you watch and by people you follow
  • An organization news feed, which shows activity on repositories owned by an organization

For more information, see "News feeds."

GitHub blog

You can also subscribe to the GitHub blog to see what we are up to and what's new at GitHub.