You can use a central authentication service, or CAS, with the GitHub for Windows application via OAuth tokens. This is especially useful for working with a GitHub Enterprise installation.

  1. Sign in to your GitHub Enterprise instance.
  2. Navigate to your user profile page. For example, if your GitHub Enterprise instance is at, you would go to

  3. Personal access tokensIn the user settings sidebar, click Personal access tokens.

  4. Generate new token buttonClick Generate new token.

  5. Token description fieldGive your token a descriptive name.
  6. Selecting token scopesSelect the scopes you wish to grant to this token. The default scopes allow you to interact with public and private repositories, user data, and gists.
  7. Generate token buttonClick Generate token.
  8. Newly created tokenCopy the token to your clipboard. For security reasons, after you navigate away from this page, no one will be able to see the token again.
  9. Launch GitHub for Windows.
  10. GitHub for Windows options selectionIn the upper-right corner, click the , then click **Options...*.
  11. GitHub for Windows add Enterprise accountClick Add GitHub Enterprise Account.
  12. GitHub for Windows adding Enterprise detailsType your GitHub username and GitHub Enterprise URL. In the password field, paste the OAuth token you copied earlier.
  13. Click Log in.