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1,642 Search results for "move repository"

Building communities / Moderation /

Limiting interactions in your repository

for certain users on a public repository. About temporary interaction limits Enabling an interaction limit for a repository restricts certain users from

Repositories / Branches and merges / Manage rulesets /

Managing rulesets for a repository

You can edit, monitor, and delete existing rulesets in a repository to alter how people can interact with specific branches and tags. After creating a

Repositories / Manage repository settings / Customize your repository /

Displaying a sponsor button in your repository

You can add a sponsor button in your repository to increase the visibility of funding options for your open source project. About FUNDING files You can

Repositories / Manage repository settings / Manage repository settings /

Managing the commit signoff policy for your repository

require users to automatically sign off on the commits they make to your repository using GitHub's web interface. About commit signoffs Commit signoffs enable

Repositories / Manage repository settings / Enable features /

Enabling or disabling GitHub Discussions for a repository

You can use GitHub Discussions in a repository as a place for your community to have conversations, ask questions, and post answers without scoping work

Secure coding / Security advisories / Repository security advisories /

Configuring private vulnerability reporting for a repository

can allow security researchers to report vulnerabilities securely in the repository by enabling private vulnerability reporting. About privately reporting

Secure coding / Secret scanning / Enable features /

Enabling push protection for your repository

protection, secret scanning blocks contributors from pushing secrets to a repository and generates an alert whenever a contributor bypasses the block. About

Repositories / Manage repository settings / Manage repository settings /

About email notifications for pushes to your repository

specific email address when anyone pushes to the repository. Each email notification for a push to a repository lists the new commits and links to a diff containing

Repositories / Manage repository settings / Enable features /

Disabling projects in a repository

Repository administrators can turn off projects for a repository if you or your team choose not to use projects. Disabling projects in a repository When

Secure coding / Code scanning / Manage alerts /

Assessing code scanning alerts for your repository

vulnerabilities or errors in your project's code. Anyone with read permission for a repository can see code scanning annotations on pull requests. For more information