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REST API / Deployments /

REST API endpoints for deployment environments

REST API/ Deployments/ Environments REST API endpoints for deployment environments Use the REST API to create, configure, and delete deployment environments

REST API / Actions /

REST API endpoints for self-hosted runner groups

REST API/ Actions/ Self-hosted runner groups REST API endpoints for self-hosted runner groups Use the REST API to interact with self-hosted runner groups

REST API / Checks /

REST API endpoints for check runs

REST API/ Checks/ Check runs REST API endpoints for check runs Use the REST API to manage check runs. Note Write permission for the REST API to interact

REST API / Activity /

REST API endpoints for feeds

REST API/ Activity/ Feeds REST API endpoints for feeds Use the REST API to interact with GitHub feeds. Get feeds Lists the feeds available to the authenticated

REST API / Codespaces /

REST API endpoints for Codespaces organization secrets

REST API/ Codespaces/ Organization secrets REST API endpoints for Codespaces organization secrets Use the REST API to manage your organization-level Codespaces

REST API / Metrics /

REST API endpoints for community metrics

REST API/ Metrics/ Community REST API endpoints for community metrics Use the REST API to retrieve information about your community profile. Get community

REST API / Deployments /

REST API endpoints for deployments

REST API/ Deployments/ Deployments REST API endpoints for deployments Use the REST API to create and delete deployments and deployment environments. About

Pull requests / Collaborate with pull requests / Working with forks /

Configuring a remote repository for a fork

You must configure a remote that points to the upstream repository in Git to sync changes you make in a fork with the original repository. This also allows

REST API / Security advisories /

REST API endpoints for global security advisories

REST API/ Security advisories/ Global security advisories REST API endpoints for global security advisories Use the REST API to view global security advisories

REST API / Apps /

REST API endpoints for OAuth authorizations

REST API/ Apps/ OAuth authorizations REST API endpoints for OAuth authorizations Use the REST API to interact with OAuth apps and OAuth authorizations