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1,182 Search results for "note warning blockquote markdown"

Get started / Writing on GitHub / Work with advanced formatting /

Attaching files

You can convey information by attaching a variety of file types to your issues and pull requests. Note For public repositories, uploaded files can be accessed

Contribute to GitHub Docs / Your working environment /

Creating a local environment

You can run the GitHub Docs application locally on your computer. About GitHub Docs site structure The GitHub Docs site was originally a Ruby on Rails

Code security / CodeQL CLI / Advanced functionality /

Using custom queries with the CodeQL CLI

You can write your own CodeQL queries to find specific vulnerabilities and errors. About custom queries and the CodeQL CLI You can customize your CodeQL

Contribute to GitHub Docs / Writing for GitHub Docs /

Using YAML frontmatter

You can use YAML frontmatter to define versioning, add metadata, and control the layout for articles. About YAML frontmatter YAML frontmatter is an authoring

Get started / Accessibility /

Keyboard shortcuts

Nearly every page on GitHub has a keyboard shortcut to perform actions faster. About keyboard shortcuts Typing ? on GitHub brings up a dialog box that

Contribute to GitHub Docs / Writing for GitHub Docs /

Creating reusable content

You can create reusable content that can be referenced in multiple content files. About reusables Reusables are long strings of reusable text, such as

Get started / Writing on GitHub / Work with advanced formatting /

Creating and highlighting code blocks

Share samples of code with fenced code blocks and enabling syntax highlighting. Fenced code blocks You can create fenced code blocks by placing triple

REST API / Releases /

REST API endpoints for releases

REST API/ Releases/ Releases REST API endpoints for releases Use the REST API to create, modify, and delete releases. Note These endpoints replace the

GitHub Pages /

Setting up a GitHub Pages site with Jekyll

Setting up a GitHub Pages site with Jekyll You can use Jekyll, a popular static site generator, to further customize your GitHub Pages site. About GitHub

Account and profile / Profiles / Customizing your profile /

Using your GitHub profile to enhance your resume

Demonstrate your skills to hiring managers with your GitHub profile. How can my GitHub profile help with my job search? When you include a link to your