1,022 Search results for "profile views badge"
GitHub Actions / Use cases and examples / Deployment /
Installing an Apple certificate on macOS runners for Xcode development
You can sign Xcode apps within your continuous integration (CI) workflow by installing an Apple code signing certificate on GitHub Actions runners.
Building communities / Maintaining safety /
Blocking a user from your personal account
You can block a user to deny them access to your activity and repositories, and to prevent them from sending you notifications.
About blocking users
GitHub Sponsors / Receiving sponsorships /
Setting up GitHub Sponsors for your personal account
You can become a sponsored developer by joining GitHub Sponsors, completing your sponsored developer profile, creating sponsorship tiers, submitting your
REST API / Metrics /
REST API endpoints for community metrics
REST API endpoints for community metrics
Use the REST API to retrieve information about your community profile.
Get community
Building communities / Maintaining safety /
Unblocking a user from your personal account
If you've mended fences with a GitHub user you've blocked, you can unblock their account.
When you unblock a user, they'll be able to invite you to be
GitHub Sponsors / Receiving sponsorships /
Setting up GitHub Sponsors for your organization
Your organization can join GitHub Sponsors to receive payments for your work.
Joining GitHub Sponsors
Any organization that contributes to an open source
REST API / Authentication /
Permissions required for fine-grained personal access tokens
For each permission granted to a fine-grained personal access token, these are the REST API endpoints that the app can use.
About permissions required
REST API / Authentication /
Permissions required for GitHub Apps
For each permission granted to a GitHub App, these are the REST API endpoints that the app can use.
About GitHub App permissions
GitHub Apps are created
Apps / GitHub Marketplace / Overview /
About marketplace badges
Learn about the badges that you may see for some apps listings on GitHub Marketplace.
This article applies to publishing apps in GitHub Marketplace
GitHub Actions / Share automations / Create actions /
Publishing actions in GitHub Marketplace
You can publish actions in GitHub Marketplace and share actions you've created with the GitHub community.
You must accept the terms of service to publish