1,182 Search results for "note warning blockquote markdown"
Code security / CodeQL CLI / CodeQL CLI manual /
generate query-help
This content describes the most recent release of the CodeQL CLI. For more information about this release, see https://github.com/github/codeql-c
Get started / Writing on GitHub / Work with advanced formatting /
Creating diagrams
Create diagrams to convey information through charts and graphs
About creating diagrams
You can create diagrams in Markdown using four different syntaxes:
Get started / Writing on GitHub / Start writing on GitHub /
About writing and formatting on GitHub
GitHub combines a syntax for formatting text called GitHub Flavored Markdown with a few unique writing features.
Markdown is an easy-to-read, easy-to-write
REST API / Checks /
REST API endpoints for check runs
Check runs
REST API endpoints for check runs
Use the REST API to manage check runs.
Write permission for the REST API to interact
GitHub Discussions / Managing discussions /
Syntax for discussion category forms
You can use YAML syntax to define the fields in your discussion category forms.
About YAML syntax for discussion category forms
You can create custom discussion
GitHub Copilot / Copilot Chat Cookbook / Documenting code /
Documenting legacy code
Copilot Chat can help with documenting legacy code.
Working with legacy code can be challenging for developers, especially when the code is complex or
Get started / Start your journey /
Uploading a project to GitHub
Learn how to upload the files for your project to GitHub.
This tutorial will show you how to upload a group of files to a GitHub repository
Get started / Writing on GitHub / Work with advanced formatting /
Writing mathematical expressions
Use Markdown to display mathematical expressions on GitHub.
About writing mathematical expressions
To enable clear communication of mathematical expressions
Get started / Writing on GitHub / Work with advanced formatting /
Organizing information with collapsed sections
You can streamline your Markdown by creating a collapsed section with the <details> tag.
Creating a collapsed section
You can temporarily obscure
REST API / Pull requests /
REST API endpoints for pull request reviews
Pull requests/
REST API endpoints for pull request reviews
Use the REST API to interact with pull request reviews.
About pull request