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1,642 Search results for "move repository"

Repositories / Manage repository settings / Enable features /

Managing GitHub Actions settings for a repository

or configure GitHub Actions for a specific repository. About GitHub Actions permissions for your repository By default, GitHub Actions is enabled on all

REST API / Repositories /

REST API endpoints for repository contents

endpoints for repository contents Use the REST API to create, modify, and delete Base64 encoded content in a repository. Get repository content Gets the

Repositories / Create & manage repositories /

Duplicating a repository

maintain a mirror of a repository without forking it, you can run a special clone command, then mirror-push to the new repository. Note If you have a project

Account and profile / Personal accounts / Access to your repositories /

Inviting collaborators to a personal repository

collaborators to your personal repository. About collaboration in a personal repository To collaborate with users in a repository that belongs to your personal

REST API / Repositories /

REST API endpoints for repository webhooks

endpoints for repository webhooks Use the REST API to create and manage webhooks for your repositories. About repository webhooks Repository webhooks allow

REST API / Codespaces /

REST API endpoints for Codespaces repository secrets

REST API/ Codespaces/ Repository secrets REST API endpoints for Codespaces repository secrets Use the REST API to manage secrets for repositories that

Get started / Using Git /

Getting changes from a remote repository

very useful when interacting with a remote repository. clone and fetch download remote code from a repository's remote URL to your local computer, merge

GitHub Copilot / Customize Copilot /

Adding repository custom instructions for GitHub Copilot

You can create a file in a repository that automatically adds information to all questions you ask Copilot Chat. Note This feature is currently in public

GitHub Packages / Learn GitHub Packages /

Connecting a repository to a package

You can connect a repository to a package on GitHub. When you publish a package that is scoped to a personal account or an organization, the package is

REST API / Collaborators /

REST API endpoints for repository invitations

API endpoints for repository invitations Use the REST API to view and manage invitations to collaborate on a repository. About repository invitations You