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REST API / Repositories /

REST API endpoints for repositories

REST API/ Repositories/ Repositories REST API endpoints for repositories Use the REST API to manage repositories on GitHub. List organization repositories

REST API / Pull requests /

REST API endpoints for pull requests

REST API/ Pull requests/ Pull requests REST API endpoints for pull requests Use the REST API to interact with pull requests. About pull requests You can

REST API / Commits /

REST API endpoints for commit statuses

REST API/ Commits/ Commit statuses REST API endpoints for commit statuses Use the REST API to interact with commit statuses. About commit statuses You

REST API / Emojis /

REST API endpoints for emojis

REST API/ Emojis/ Emojis REST API endpoints for emojis Use the REST API to list and view all the available emojis to use on GitHub. Get emojis Lists all

REST API / Commits /

REST API endpoints for commits

REST API/ Commits/ Commits REST API endpoints for commits Use the REST API to interact with commits. List commits Signature verification object The response

REST API / Pull requests /

REST API endpoints for review requests

REST API/ Pull requests/ Review requests REST API endpoints for review requests Use the REST API to interact with review requests. About review requests

REST API / Issues /

REST API endpoints for issues

REST API/ Issues/ Issues REST API endpoints for issues Use the REST API to manage issues and pull requests. List issues assigned to the authenticated user

REST API / Codespaces /

REST API endpoints for Codespaces organizations

REST API/ Codespaces/ Organizations REST API endpoints for Codespaces organizations Use the REST API to manage your organization members codespaces. About

REST API / Actions /

REST API endpoints for workflow runs

REST API/ Actions/ Workflow runs REST API endpoints for workflow runs Use the REST API to interact with workflow runs in GitHub Actions. About workflow

REST API / Security advisories /

REST API endpoints for repository security advisories

REST API/ Security advisories/ Repository security advisories REST API endpoints for repository security advisories Use the REST API to view and manage