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resolve languages

List installed CodeQL extractor packs.

Who can use this feature?

GitHub CodeQL is licensed on a per-user basis upon installation. You can use CodeQL only for certain tasks under the license restrictions. For more information, see "About the CodeQL CLI."

If you have a GitHub Advanced Security license, you can use CodeQL for automated analysis, continuous integration, and continuous delivery. For more information, see "About GitHub Advanced Security."

This content describes the most recent release of the CodeQL CLI. For more information about this release, see

To see details of the options available for this command in an earlier release, run the command with the --help option in your terminal.


codeql resolve languages <options>...


List installed CodeQL extractor packs.

When run with JSON output selected, this command can report multiple locations for each extractor pack name. When that happens, it means that the pack has conflicting locations within a single search element, so it cannot actually be resolved. The caller may use the actual locations to format an appropriate error message.


Primary Options


A list of directories under which extractor packs may be found. The directories can either be the extractor packs themselves or directories that contain extractors as immediate subdirectories.

If the path contains multiple directory trees, their order defines precedence between them: if the target language is matched in more than one of the directory trees, the one given first wins.

The extractors bundled with the CodeQL toolchain itself will always be found, but if you need to use separately distributed extractors you need to give this option (or, better yet, set up --search-path in a per-user configuration file).

(Note: On Windows the path separator is ;).


Select output format. Choices include:

text (default): Print the paths to extractor packs to standard output.

json: Print the paths to extractor packs as a JSON string.

betterjson: Print details about extractor packs as a JSON string.

Common options

-h, --help

Show this help text.


[Advanced] Give option to the JVM running the command.

(Beware that options containing spaces will not be handled correctly.)

-v, --verbose

Incrementally increase the number of progress messages printed.

-q, --quiet

Incrementally decrease the number of progress messages printed.


[Advanced] Explicitly set the verbosity level to one of errors, warnings, progress, progress+, progress++, progress+++. Overrides -v and -q.


[Advanced] Write detailed logs to one or more files in the given directory, with generated names that include timestamps and the name of the running subcommand.

(To write a log file with a name you have full control over, instead give --log-to-stderr and redirect stderr as desired.)


[Advanced] Controls the location of cached data on disk that will persist between several runs of the CLI, such as downloaded QL packs and compiled query plans. If not set explicitly, this defaults to a directory named .codeql in the user's home directory; it will be created if it doesn't already exist.

Available since v2.15.2.