659 Search results for "gitlab"
GitHub Actions / Migrate to GitHub Actions / Automated migrations /
Migrating from GitLab with GitHub Actions Importer
Importer to automate the migration of your GitLab pipelines to GitHub Actions.
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About migrating from GitLab with GitHub Actions Importer
The instructions
GitHub Actions / Migrate to GitHub Actions / Manual migrations /
Migrating from GitLab CI/CD to GitHub Actions
and GitLab CI/CD share several configuration similarities, which makes migrating to GitHub Actions relatively straightforward.
GitLab CI/CD
GitHub Actions / Migrate to GitHub Actions / Automated migrations /
Automating migration with GitHub Actions Importer
the following platforms:
Azure DevOps
Bitbucket Pipelines
GitLab (both cloud and self-hosted)
Travis CI
GitHub Actions
GitHub Actions /
Migrating to GitHub Actions
Migrating from CircleCI with GitHub Actions Importer
Migrating from GitLab with GitHub Actions Importer
Migrating from Jenkins with GitHub Actions
GitHub Actions / Migrate to GitHub Actions /
Manually migrating to GitHub Actions
Actions relatively straightforward.
Migrating from GitLab CI/CD to GitHub Actions
GitHub Actions and GitLab CI/CD share several configuration similarities
GitHub Actions / Migrate to GitHub Actions /
Using GitHub Actions Importer to automate migrations
Migrating from GitLab with GitHub Actions Importer
Learn how to use GitHub Actions Importer to automate the migration of your GitLab pipelines to GitHub
Migrations / Overview /
Migration paths to GitHub
Cloud, or from another code hosting platform, such as Bitbucket Server or GitLab, to GitHub, you'll want to bring your work with you: your code, the code's
Migrations / Overview /
About GitHub's migration tooling
Cloud, or from another code hosting platform, such as Bitbucket Server or GitLab, to GitHub, you'll want to bring your work with you: your code, the code's
GitHub Copilot / Manage Copilot / Configure content exclusion /
Excluding content from GitHub Copilot
# In the `gitlab-org/gitlab-runner` repository on GitLab:
# Ignore the `/main_test.go`
GitHub Actions /
Guides for GitHub Actions
Migrating from GitLab CI/CD to GitHub Actions
GitHub Actions and GitLab CI/CD share several configuration similarities